This is a consistently-updated (nonlinear, random insertions) list of the best things I read on the web. If any of these live links is ever dead, it is probably backed-up on ArchiveDotToday.
— Entrepreneurial Statecraft Gets the Goods
— A Big Little Idea Called Autarky
— Reversed Stupidity Is Not Intelligence
— Where do pro-social institutions come from?
— The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dictatorship of the Small Minority
— Intellectual Conformity Is Adaptive
— Absolute scale corrupts absolutely
— Skin in the Game by Nassim Nicholas Taleb – digested read
— Reality has a surprising amount of detail
— Down with Innovation, Up with Imitation
— Why everything might have taken so long
— all of human economic history, i guess
— Complexity within systems with multiple parts, by way of socio-political precedents of gay marriage
— The paradox of writerly rereading
— The Ultimate "Is Inception a Dream" Theory
— Introverts, Extroverts, Aspies and Codies
— A Partial Explanation of Zoomer Girl Derangement
— A Big Little Idea Called Egodicity
— How the Tesla way keeps it ahead of the pack
— Why software ends up complex
— How Systems Design Explains The World