🛹 Slipstreaming in Life via CBCs
This is a follow-up to 🔥 Meetups are dead. Enter Mastermind Groups!
I had mentioned 4 key ingredients of a successful mastermind group in the above post. CBCs fall into the sweet spot of what I was looking for:
1) Curation
Since there’s a decent price point for enrolling into a CBC, it acts as a self-selection for high-agency and curiosity. Most people who join are very committed.
2) Leader
Every CBC has a program director who takes care of logistics. Most of them are full-time into this so there’s skin in the game for them to do this right.
3) Agenda
Sessions have a clear agenda: learning a new framework, applying to your work, office hours, etc.
4) Meeting regularly
There’s a calendar shared at the start of the course and weekly events keep happening after the end of the cohort as well.
I feel like I've done masters in the last 2 years, having done CBCs on entrepreneurship, design, writing, etc. Instead of a long-term commitment, you get to choose what area you want to upskill in and learn from pros/be a sponge/slipstream in life. This is something I picked up from reviewing meetup talks for Vue Bangalore. Some people call it lazy learning, I prefer the term accelerated learning. I feel like I'm building a lot of leverage, so much that I can't really see my career path beyond 2024. This is honestly scary and exciting at the same time.
Most of my support groups now are from CBCs that I attended in the last couple of years. Feedback is a scarce thing and that is a really good way to make new friends. One thing worth pointing out here is that new CBCs keep popping up like JavaScript frameworks so it’s important to do your research before enrolling into one as it requires a significant investment of time and money.
Until We Meet Again...
🖖 swap