Notes from an Everything Historian
Lurching towards the book tour
February 18, 2025
Welcome back, and hallo new subscribers! Today’s issue is mostly book, tour, and podcast news. In less than two weeks I head to the US for a few weeks of...
February 4, 2025
Welcome back, and hallo, new readers! This is it! The US launch day for HUMANS: A MONSTROUS HISTORY is February 4th. I’m amazed and relieved to get to this...
Basement adventures showed me why ChatGPT can only ever be garbage.
January 21, 2025
In The British Library. Photo by Surekha Davies. Hallo readers, First, a news flash: Join me for a virtual book launch for HUMANS: A MONSTROUS HISTORY...
Gremlins, pitchforkery, and Monstertopia
January 10, 2025
Some writing and (mis)adventures - and a 40% discount on HUMANS: A MONSTROUS HISTORY! Dazed but pleased at the UC Press booth. Happy New Year! I hope your...
The case for a 100% tax bracket for billionaires
December 25, 2024
I was looking through my photos, stumbled upon this image, and realized that I had to get out a seasonal newsletter today with a wish for 2025. Caption....
Barber-surgeons and the anatomy of authoring
December 8, 2024
Or how being a twenty-first century author is weirdly like being a seventeenth-century barber-surgeon. Detail of one side of a painted wooden partition for a...
A bear called Paddington: who gets to be human?
November 21, 2024
This 1966 reprint of the first Paddington book was a second-hand steal at 40p. I’ve been re-reading the Paddington Bear books. If you’ve never encountered...
Strange, wondrous, and hopeful podcasts
October 31, 2024
A siren and a centaur from a bestiary c. 1270. MS Ludwig XV 3. Digital image courtesy of Getty’s Open Content Program, fol. 78r. Hallo, readers! In today’s...
Spooky season tidbits - and a 30% preorder discount on Humans: A Monstrous History!
October 8, 2024
Which monsters would you like to read about this fall?
"Disambiguate, disambiguate!" Monday morning in Dalek mode
September 16, 2024
For a creative person, errands can feel bone-crushing. Here's my latest workaround.
HUMANS: A Monstrous History is available for preorder!
August 28, 2024
... and some upcoming book events.
The coach, the cataloguer and the chaos muppet: authors are many-headed hydra
July 27, 2024
On warring headspaces during copy edits, and some books and music I'm enjoying this summer.
Who are we, and what might we become? What to read next.
May 25, 2024
Fiction and nonfiction asking the big questions.
Cover reveal! Humans: A Monstrous History
May 8, 2024
The book is in production! - and some essays I published, plus some museum recommendations.
How I got a literary agent
March 14, 2024
On what I did en route to getting offers of representation from three New York City literary agents.
‘Realms of the Imagination’ Review: The Worlds of Fantasy
February 17, 2024
An exhibition at The British Library takes visitors on a journey through fantasy literature, a testament to humanity's persistent attempts to understand this world by imagining others.
Kraken-wrestling and other monster (mis)adventures
January 10, 2024
Deep in the weeds of chapter revisions, but looking ahead to talks in Chicago and Toronto.
"OOH, SHINY!" lists of doom and Draft no. 3
October 20, 2023
What should I do with the forest of to-do lists in order to finish Draft no. 3 of HUMANS: A MONSTROUS HISTORY?
The book manuscript is in! - and some changes afoot
September 22, 2023
What I did in the final stages of draft number 3 of my book manuscript.
YOUNG QUEENS: Catherine de' Medici, Elisabeth de Valois, and Mary Queen of Scots
August 13, 2023
In which I rave about Leah Redmond Chang's terrific new book, and update readers on my own book revisions in progress.
Not just Josephine Baker: African Americans abroad
July 30, 2023
In which I reflect on Tamara J. Walker's terrific BEYOND THE SHORES: A HISTORY OF AFRICAN AMERICANS ABROAD, and offer museum tips for photography fans
Habits: the good, the bad, and the pointless
July 13, 2023
Unhelpful voices from grad school, and a terrific water, beach, and landscape memoir grappling with childhood demons.
Thar she blows! Reading, viewing, and thinking about whales
July 6, 2023
In which I talk about some Really Big Bones, recommend a terrific whale-related historical novel, and share a tall tale about whaling.
“Burble, burble, burble” and other confessions from a writer on the road
June 14, 2023
The view out from Leadenhall Market, London, UK. According to one early modern commentator, his mother-in-law was frightened by a lobster in this market, and...
Colour Me Thrilled: Art and Nature in Stuttgart and Innsbruck
April 24, 2023
Two paintings, a castle, and some wildlife: how the book I read at breakfast is changing how I think about writing and looking.
Vermeer: How Not to Curate an Exhibition
April 10, 2023
In which I muse on a disturbing visit to the Rijksmuseum's Vermeer show.
Art, monsters, and Gothic Revival in North Carolina
March 21, 2023
In which I go adventuring among artworks, rare books, and manuscripts - and notes on historic houses and museums, and dining recommendations.
Eating and doing in Washington, DC
March 5, 2023
Last week's museum visits, and how I fuelled them.
How not to buy a couch
February 23, 2023
In which I release half-read bits of psychology into the ether.
Art, trade, and colonialism, then and now
February 16, 2023
How a contemporary Nigerian-British sculptor updated an old European art motif.
Around a continent on lots of trains
February 9, 2023
In which I look ahead to a season of travel around Europe, muse on writers' relationships to their drafts, and offer dining recommendations for Philadelphia.
Three cheers for accountability buddies!
February 2, 2023
In which I reflect on starting book ms revisions, and on the writing buddies who keep me honest.
Small mammal problems: managing the creative brain
January 26, 2023
In which I go down a musical rabbit-hole in my quest for a sustainable way to stay on top of errands without sabotaging writing or resting.
Operation Errand: Whack-a-moling for People Who Think Too Much
January 19, 2023
In which I lay out my five notes-to-self for the season, and recommend a podcast series on method in the writing of history.
The Craft behind HUMANS: A Monstrous History
January 11, 2023
In which I expand on last week's presentation at the American Historical Association Annual Meeting, and ask readers what they'd like me to write about in the coming year.
The Historian as Storyteller
December 15, 2022
On writing trade-list history books, and some takes and recommendations
London Calling
December 8, 2022
In this newsletter, I puzzle over the time-machine effect of last month’s trip to London, UK, and recommend a few things to eat and to visit.
Jump Day!
December 1, 2022
In which Day 1 as a footloose writer finally arrives.
Enter the Everything Historian
November 19, 2022
Notes and musings from a historian who sees connections everywhere.