Special guest for Freelance Pod's November live recording revealed...
Hi all,
The science writer - and soon-to-be-author of Smoke & Mirrors: How Hype Obscures the Future and How to See Past It* - will be joining me onstage as my guest for Freelance Pod’s live recording at the Boulevard Theatre, Soho in November!

Aside from the writing, Gemma is a well-travelled keynote speaker and moderator, and co-founded Science Disrupt, which is all about discussions with innovators, iconoclasts & entrepreneurs intent on creating change in science.
I’m looking forward to getting out of my comfort zone and learning some stuff about science, and it’s going to be a fun and interactive show involving you, the audience too!
Up for it? Let me know if you’re going to join us! Just hit reply to this email.
To anyone involved in, or who came along to my London Podcast Festival live recording: if you want to come along to this, please let me know if you’re thinking of buying a ticket?

Here’s the link for more information and tickets. It’s a huge honour to get to perform in this space, and so I can’t wait to welcome you to the perfect little Boulevard Theatre. It’s intimate, so, um, yeah, if you’re in the stalls and on the balcony edge, I’ll be able to see you from the stage… but I’ll only pick out people in the audience to contribute for fun reasons, promise! That’s the guarantee of a Freelance Pod performance.
*Gemma’s book is available for pre-order right now; pre-ordering is like shaking gold dust over a debut author’s career, just saying…
The next episode of the podcast is out soon, and it will be an interview with writer Rachel Vorona Cote about how we handle grief online. Episodes will be fortnightly-ish for the rest of the year.

That’s all for this little newsflash, I’ll write again soon x