Black Lives Matter
Hi there,
While the acronym ‘BAME’ has become has become the standard way to refer to non-white people in the UK, the umbrella term squashes together the very different experiences that Black and Brown people can face.
This week has not been a moment for BAME voices. It has been a moment for Black voices. Amplifying them is the aim of today’s newsletter.

Christian Cooper’s video of Amy Cooper threatening him in Central Park, NY, was shared on 26 May, the same day that the video of George Floyd’s death under arrest in Minneapolis went viral
I’m following everything John Boyega’s saying right now, because it’s impossible not to
My former colleague Elizabeth Bananuka has written a painful but powerful thread on her experiences of racism in the PR industry, and why she set up BME PR Pros:
Below is a #BlackOutTuesday Instagram post from my friend Emmerline Smy. Take a few moments to read it, and to imagine this level of internal work underscoring a life, beyond the pressures of living through a pandemic that is much more likely to kill a Black or Brown person.
Jessica Morgan’s excellent piece How You Can Support Black People Today, Tomorrow & Forever contains links for petitions you might want to sign and causes you may wish to donate to
Guardian editor-at-large Gary Younge’s We can’t breathe is an incredible read. The standfirst says it all: “What connects the most brazen forms of state violence against black people and the struggles of BAME coronavirus patients is systemic racism”
Amber Ruffin’s segments are always the most memorable parts of Late Night with Seth Meyers (and this movie trailer parody is chef’s kiss*)
This free online event about the Future of Podcasting has a brilliant all-female, all-Black panel: Renay Richardson, Christina H Moore and Kim Fox, with Fatuma Khaireh moderating
Renay Richardson tweeted about what it’s like to see the podcast About Race that she made with Reni Eddo-Lodge hit the top of the charts this week, two years after they finished making it:
That’s all for this edition - stay safe & well x