January Update
Howdy folks — Nat here, the primary software developer for StoryTime, with a quick update about what we’ve been up to.
Since October I’ve been working on a client contract, but now I’m back to StoryTime full time, and working through the backlog we built out of our first round of research. (Thanks to everyone who’s participated so far!)
This Month
Mainly bug-fixing, and cleaning up features that were mostly done when I last left off, then got started on role-based access control for backlogs.
Next Month

What’s in that backlog right now?
Team-based access control for backlogs — “Only my team can see backlogs I created”
More information on the stories about who created them, who last updated them, who’s working on them
Design “quality-of-life” and UX workflow explorations
History of state changes
Story permalinks
Once we’ve got at least a few of these done, we’ll be reaching out for another round of interviews. We’re being careful about spending “first impressions” — we want to make sure that we’ve made enough updates that we’ll get new information when we show new folks the application for the first time.
More soon —