Who You Work With Matters
People don’t quit jobs.
They quit bosses who don’t see them.
They quit cultures that drain them.
They quit work that makes them feel small.
A 2022 survey of 2,000 employees found the top reasons people walk away:
Not enough pay
Unpleasant teammates
Bad bosses
Uninspiring work
No growth
The commute
Money matters. But look closer.
Sixty percent of people left because of their environment: their team, their boss, the culture.
That’s not about salary. That’s about belonging.
Here’s the deal: You get about 4,000 weeks on this planet.
Almost half of them? Spent working.
Surrounded by teammates. Led by a boss.
So the real question is: Would you willingly spend that much of your life in a place that depletes you?
Would anyone?
Toxic workplaces don’t just kill motivation. They kill energy, creativity, and confidence. They make people smaller than they should be.
Which is why hiring the right people and putting them in the right seats isn’t just a business strategy, it’s a survival strategy.
We prioritize three things at work:
People: culture, connection, trust
Resources: money, efficiency, results
Systems: structure, process, scalability
And the way you rank them shapes how you lead:
Empathetic leaders (People + Resources) thrive on connection and clarity.
Driven leaders (Resources + Systems) thrive on execution and control.
Catalytic leaders (Systems + People) thrive on momentum and change.
So which are you?
More importantly, what about your boss? What do they prioritize?
Knowing this unlocks so much. And, gives you incredible insight into alignment and navigating frustrations in your everyday working life.
Here’s the skinny: we tend to work best for leaders who value what we value.
True story.
That’s why some people thrive under a hard-charging, no-excuses manager. And others crumble. That’s why some love structure while others suffocate in command and control environments. And, why others thrive when it’s all about relationships. No love, then no long-term buy in from them.
Knowing how you lead, and how you’re led isn’t just interesting. It’s essential.
Every great team has:
Empathetic glue—the human connection
Driven guardrails—the discipline and structure
Catalytic spark plugs—the vision and fire
Remove one, and things break apart.
Too much structure? Innovation dies.
Too much vision? Nothing gets done.
Too much empathy? No one is held accountable.
Great teams aren’t accidental. They’re designed. On purpose.
And that starts with hiring with intention.
One of my favorite questions to ask in interviews is:
“What kind of leadership do you thrive under?”
The way they answer tells you so much about who they are and what they value.
Some need a leader who cares deeply and invests in them.
Others thrive under a leader who’s tough, direct, and holds them accountable. Some crave autonomy, give them space, and they’ll fly.
Most of us prefer leaders who mirror our own leadership style.
That’s neither good nor bad. It just is.
So, I would encourage you to map out your leadership team. Like today.
Where do you land?
Where do your teammates land?
What’s missing?
If your team leans too far in one direction, it’s time to rebalance. And, recruit or promote who you need.
Because the best teams don’t happen by accident.
They happen by design.
And if you’re stuck?
Let’s talk.
Building healthy teams is one of my favorite conversations to have.
Steve Knox | Carmel, CA
\\\ If this resonated with you, please forward and share it with the wonderful folks you work for and with. And, put pen to paper about why. Have a beautiful Wednesday. Be honest. Be you.