Who gets access to you?
A few years ago, one of my favorite clients asked me to give a keynote talk on excellence at their annual meeting. While preparing, I came up with a simple definition of excellence: doing the best we can with what we have.
Excellence is a personal journey.
We don't all have the same skills, talents, opportunities, or intelligence. But we can still make the most of what we've been given. That's why different people have different standards, especially when it comes to excellence. Standards are just boundaries — what we will and won't compromise on.
Operating with excellence (and boundaries) means not everyone can be in our orbit or have access to us.
This may sound exclusive, but it's not. It just means prioritizing our time and energy on what truly matters. It’s about recognizing our limits and choosing where to invest our efforts and who to spend time with.
As Warren Buffett wisely said, "The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything." This selective focus allows us to channel our resources effectively and maintain the high standards we've set for ourselves.
Excellence isn't about being better than others; it's about being the best version of ourselves.
This means prioritizing what truly matters to us, saying healthy NOs to what doesn’t, and not getting distracted by petty issues or toxic influences.
The better we get at saying NO to the people, places, and things that don’t align with who we are and what we’re trying to achieve, the more momentum we gain in becoming our best selves.
As harsh as it sounds, it’s better to disappoint others than to become a disappointment to ourselves.
Questions for Reflection:
Where do you need to give a healthy NO right now in your life? Why?
What does excellence mean to you?
How can you raise the bar just a little bit more for yourself today?
To truly live with excellence is to lead a compassionate life.
Historically, the term "excellence" wasn't used outside the context of relationships until the 20th century. When we describe something as excellent, we mean it has met or exceeded our personal standards of greatness.
This is precisely what love does.
Love raises our standards. When we make sacrifices and put in the effort to make the most of each day, we elevate not only ourselves but those around us as well.
Our lives gain a certain momentum.
We don't just become more attractive; we become living examples of what's possible when we refuse to settle.
This kind of confidence and clarity is rare, but not unattainable.
As a good friend once taught me: nothing is impossible; excellence just takes a little more time.
Steve Knox | Atlanta, GA
/// Thanks for reading. Forward and share this with at least one other person who needs to be reminded of their inner greatness. Drop in a personal note of how you believe in them. And don’t forget to look within today. You have so much love to give. Be honest. Be you.