The Power of Quiet Success.
In today's world, where celebrity and social media reign supreme, there's an old saying that's often overlooked: "Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing."
This little nugget of wisdom holds a valuable lesson about the importance of flying under the radar.
In our society, there's a lot of pressure to show off our achievements to everyone. We're told to share every accomplishment. Broadcast the ever-living-$#*% out of every single event and milestone. Like our lives are some kind of movie on display for the entertainment of others.
But what if real success is found in the hidden moments, when nobody's watching?
Quietly succeeding.
Silently doing our best.
Day in and day out.
"Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing" reminds us of the strength in being humble and modest. It teaches us that the most meaningful victories happen without anyone noticing.
No fanfare.
No one cheering us on.
No limelight.
No pomp or circumstance.
Just us. Quietly and relentlessly toiling away at the task at hand. Enjoying a private moment of excellence for its own sake.
When we embrace this kind of wisdom, we stop constantly seeking the approval of others.
We stop measuring our worth by how many likes or followers we have.
We stop pandering to the masses.
Instead, we focus on quietly doing things right. And, for the right reasons.
Quiet success lets us concentrate on what really matters: our work. Without the distraction of seeking recognition, we can focus on improving our skills and doing our best.
True fulfillment.
More importantly, embracing this way of life helps us build genuine connections with others.
You see, it’s the moments when we're not seeking someone else’s validation or trying to be the center of attention, that our relationships become deeper and more meaningful. We stop focusing on ourselves. And, we turn our attention to the world around us.
Our life and work becomes truly sacred. Set apart. Authentic. And, free.
Another added bonus: we get to genuinely celebrate other people’s success without feeling jealous or resentful.
In a world that values fame and visibility, we often overlook those who quietly achieve their goals without seeking attention.
Maybe it's time to rethink what success really means and appreciate the power of quiet achievement?
The next time you're tempted to brag about your accomplishments or seek validation, take a second, step back and remember to: not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. And, let your actions speak louder than your words.
So, what am I going on and on about?
Learning how to find satisfaction in our achievements, not because we’re acknowledged by others, but because they resonate with who we are on the inside.
Living from our core values. Being good for the sake of being good. Falling in love with the process. And, letting go of the suffocating need for recognition.
You see amigo, embracing quiet success involves cultivating a mindset of humility.
It means acknowledging the contributions of others and recognizing that success is often the result of a bunch of beautiful-behind-the-scenes people who have helped us make it.
It means being open to learning from failure and setbacks.
And, funny enough, it means being okay with success.
Let me explain.
I meet a lot of people who are afraid of success. It makes them un-comfort-able. So they keep playing it safe. Quietly suffering, instead of quietly succeeding.
In my coaching practice I hear this over and over in a myriad of different ways:
I don’t deserve it.
I’m a fraud.
I can’t handle the pressure success would bring.
I’m worried I’ll lose everything.
I can't keep these plates spinning.
So-and-so wouldn't be able to keep up.
Everyone will want something from me.
Embracing quiet success requires a shift in our perspective. It means redefining what it means to be successful and resisting the urge to turn tale and run away from what’s truly meaningful to us.
Yes, quiet success comes with some public responsibility.
Yes, quiet success compounds itself.
Yes, quiet success calls us to pay it forward.
But the real kicker is that quiet success changes what we know is possible. And, not just for ourselves, but for the people we know, love and trust, too.
Here are a handful of questions worth pondering:
1. How do you define success for yourself, beyond external validation?
2. What internal beliefs, stories or fears might be holding you back from embracing success?
3. How can you shift your perspective to see success as something internally meaningful and fulfilling?
4. What's one small step can you take today to begin to cultivate a mindset of quiet success?
5. How can you balance the responsibilities of quiet success while maintaining well-being and fulfillment?
Thanks for reading! I hope you put pen to paper and reflect on what it means to not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Take a few minutes and put pen to paper and do some soul-searching on how you can quietly succeed.
Steve Knox | Clear Lake, TX
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