Repost: Finish Well.
How you finish this year is how you'll begin 2025.
True story.
And because of that, I want to offer a little guidance to help you gain the clarity and focus you need for a smooth transition. For the past several years, I’ve dedicated October to reflection, November to dreaming, and December to planning and recharging.
You can do the same. Here’s how…
October: Reflect. To reflect means to “turn back.” While we can’t turn back time, we can revisit, evaluate, and pull the wisdom from the past 9 or 10 months. I like to review each month, consider the highs and lows, and jot down a bullet point or two about what I’ve learned. I recommend taking the next 9 days to reflect on one month each morning—put pen to paper, and capture the lessons.
November: Dream. Dreaming is essential. Taking time to envision what the next 12 months could look like is both energizing and inspiring. Start with the end in mind. Picture yourself celebrating at the end of 2025—reflecting on all you’ve achieved personally and professionally. Set a timer for 25 minutes and free-write about how you feel, who you’ve helped, what you’ve built, how you’ve grown, where you’ve traveled, and what you’ve learned. Pour everything into it. Don’t hold back. Just write.
December: Plan. A dream without a plan is just wishful thinking. Take what you’ve written in October and November and map out the top three or four major outcomes you want to achieve. Under each one, write out the steps you’ll need to take to make it happen. Be specific. Add deadlines for each step, and be clear on how you’ll measure progress.
There’s one more thing I’d like to share that’s helped me over the years…
For more than a decade, I’ve chosen a Word for the Year based on what I hope to accomplish.
I’m still listening for my word for 2025, but it always becomes clear in time.
Having a singular focus for the year keeps me grounded and reminds me of my deeper purpose.
In my conversations.
In my writing.
In my actions.
In every part of my day.
I encourage you to take a walk, sit down with a journal, and find your Word for the Year ahead. Keep it close, somewhere you’ll see every day. Revisit it often.
And remember, all of this is just a guide from me to you. It’s not set in stone. It’s simply a way to tap into what’s already stirring inside of you.
The best part? By writing down your intentions, you’re setting a course for the future.
That intention will guide you—like a beacon in the dark.
Some of you have been with me for a while, and none of this is new. That’s a good thing. It’s not about the content—it’s about what you do with it. I hope you invest in yourself over the next few weeks by writing things down. Not just because you’re worth it, but because your life echoes in the lives of everyone you meet.
Much love. Happy writing, my friend.
Steve | Kansas City
/// I’m going to be taking a little break for the next few weeks from writing. But don’t lose heart, I’ll be back in your inbox mid-October. Until then, be honest. Be you. And, Godspeed.