Befriend the simplicity of your life.
I recently heard this beautiful quote:
“Befriend the simplicity of your life.”
That’s an invitation to pause, isn’t it?
To step away from the noise, the endless list of tasks, the pressure to perform. It’s not about doing more; it’s about finding contentment in less.
So often, we fill our days chasing complexity — believing that if we just do more, achieve more, acquire more, somehow we’ll arrive at a place of peace. But peace isn’t out there waiting for us at the end of the hustle. It’s here, right now, if we’re willing to see it.
When we befriend the simplicity of our lives, we start to realize something: most of the things we stress over don’t really matter.
That’s right amigo.
We get so caught up in the whirlwind of trying to control outcomes, impress others, or reach some arbitrary standard that we forget to enjoy what’s already in front of us.
Simplicity is not about eliminating challenges or goals. It’s about finding joy in the ordinary, appreciating the small things that often get overshadowed by the pursuit of more.
Simplicity has a way of teaching us what’s really important. Because when we strip away the unnecessary, we’re left with what truly matters — relationships, health, meaningful work, our connection to God, to purpose, to community.
The beauty of simplicity is that it clears out the clutter, both externally and internally, so we can focus on what makes our lives rich and fulfilling.
Now, this isn’t a call to abandon ambition or growth. But it is a call to ask ourselves: Is what we’re striving for aligned with what really matters?
Are we making room in our lives to savor the journey, or are we racing past it in pursuit of the next thing?
One of the greatest obstacles to befriending simplicity is the fear of missing out. It’s easy to feel like we’re not enough if we’re not constantly chasing after bigger and better things.
But here’s the truth:
Simplicity is not scarcity.
It’s fullness.
True story.
It’s recognizing that we don’t need to add more to our lives to experience abundance; we just need to be present enough to see the abundance that’s already there.
Stop and look around.
What are the simple things in our lives that bring us joy?
Maybe it’s a quiet morning with a cup of coffee, the laughter of a friend, the feel of the sun on our faces.
Maybe it’s the work that lights us up, even if it doesn’t make the headlines.
Maybe it’s the peace of knowing we’re walking our path, not someone else’s.
Befriending simplicity means letting go of the need for constant validation and reminding ourselves that we’re already living lives worth celebrating. We don’t have to prove anything to anyone. We just have to be faithful to the calling on our lives.
So here’s a little challenge for all of us today, let’s lean into the simplicity of where we are. Trust that we are enough, that our lives as they are have value and meaning. And, let’s make room for stillness, for gratitude, and for grace.
In doing so, we might just find that life’s greatest joys are often the simplest ones.
Steve Knox | Ogden, Utah
\\\ Appreciate you taking the time out of the hectic fray of today to read these 500+ words. I’d encourage you to reread them and meditate on the two questions above. Then forward and share this little post out into the ether. Sharing is caring. Be honest. Be you. Much love.