12 Habits for Leading Well.
Leadership starts with you.
More specifically, within you. The first person we lead is ourselves.
True story.
Before we can inspire others, we’ve got to get our own house in order.
Which is why I wanted to share 12 habits as a little blueprint for personal leadership that’s intentional and impactful.
Here you go:
1. Ruthlessly Practice Self-Care
Self-care is your non-negotiable foundation (I know, I’ve been on this soapbox for a minute). It’s about doing what needs to be done to keep your mind, body, and spirit sharp. This isn’t about pampering yourself—it’s about giving yourself the necessary fuel to lead. So, cut the excuses, set your personal goals, and stick to them. Your future self will thank and love you.
2. Be Vulnerable
Vulnerability is the secret sauce of leadership. It’s not about spilling your guts; it’s about being real no matter who you’re with. Period. People don’t follow perfection—they follow authenticity. So, show up, flaws and all, don’t overthink everything, relax, and watch how it transforms your relationships and your influence.
3. Set Boundaries
If you don’t set boundaries, the world will set them for you—and you won’t like where they fall. Boundaries aren’t walls; they’re guidelines that keep your life on track. And, the mindless idiots out of reach. Know your limits, say NO when you need to, and protect your time like it’s gold. Because it is.
4. Prioritize Yourself
Here’s the truth: You can’t lead others if you’re constantly putting yourself last. Prioritize your growth, your health, and your happiness. When you prioritize yourself, you show up stronger, clearer, and more effective for everyone else. And, others will follow suit in their own lives. Try it out today and see what happens.
5. Embrace Fear
Fear is a big, fat compass pointing toward growth. If you’re not a little bit scared on the daily, you’re playing way too small. Lean into the discomfort, take the leap, and know that every significant leader has felt the exact same way. Fear isn’t a stop sign; it’s a green light. So, make a short list of your fears and begin to attack them one at a time.
6. Always Be Honest
Honesty isn’t just a policy—it’s your superpower. In a world full of sugarcoating, being unapologetically honest sets you apart. Be straight with yourself and others. Clarity cuts through the bullshit and creates trust faster than anything else. Lead with integrity. Stick to your values. And, don’t lie to yourself or others. Ever.
7. Be Your Authentic Self
There’s only one you, and that’s really your biggest asset. Authenticity isn’t a buzzword; it’s your competitive edge. Stop trying to fit into someone else’s mold and start leading from your true self. The world needs your unique voice, your unique skills, your unique impact—so be yourself. Because no one else can.
8. Be A Good Friend
Leadership is a relational game. And good relationships start with being a good friend. Show up, listen, and care—really care. As painful as it may be, leadership isn’t just about what you do; it’s about how you make people feel. Be the kind of friend you’d want leading you. Follow through on your promises. Hold space for others. See, value, and nurture the good you find in the blessed soul looking back at you.
9. Be Confident
Confidence is a byproduct of taking risks. Confidence isn’t about knowing it all; it’s about knowing yourself. So, own your strengths, embrace your quirks, and walk into every room with the knowledge that you’ve got what it takes. That you belong. Confidence isn’t loud—it’s calm and present; and it’s a sign of great leadership.
10. Ask For Help
Smart leaders know when to call in reinforcements. Asking for help doesn’t make you weak; it makes you wise. Leverage the strengths of those around you. Collaboration is where the magic happens, so don’t hesitate to reach out when you need a hand. This will require humility and gratitude on your part. Both of which leads to deeper, more meaningful connections.
11. Be Accountable To Your Future Self
Think ahead. Every decision you make today shapes the leader you’ll be tomorrow. Be accountable to that future version of yourself. Make choices that align with your vision, and keep that long-term goal in sight. Your future self is counting on you. The best way to predict the future is to create it in how you live today.
12. Be Consistent
Consistency isn’t glamorous, but it’s the bedrock of success. It’s also underrated. It’s hard to hold back somebody that keeps showing up. So, show up every day with energy, with focus, and with a personal drive to be the best version of yourself. Consistency builds trust, creates momentum, and turns small actions into big wins. Stay the course, and watch the results compound and your influence grow.
Leading yourself is the greatest investment you’ll ever make. These 12 habits aren’t just suggestions—they’re your roadmap to a life of real purpose and incredible impact.
Start small. Stay consistent. And, lead yourself with everything you’ve got.
Because your corner of the world is waiting for you.
Steve Knox | Kansas City
\\\ Thanks as always for reading. Forward or share this with your circle of amigos. And, get to work on yourself. Your best days are ahead of you. Much love. And, Godspeed.