Invisible Ink - Vol. 10
What a summer! Summer reading is over for public libraries, school is back for the K-college crowd. Also 710 went into effect, but we all know we are way more than that stinkin’ bill. Idaho officials have been sued in federal court to stop enforcement. We’ll wait and see how that shakes out…

Inky News
News that might be hard to hear, but we hope you choose to read:
New lawsuit seeks to stop enforcement of Idaho library materials bill and a month later the court is asked to dismiss the motion for an injunction
When reading library news, it seems to be really focused on the negative and reactionary. Maybe that’s what gets clicks? Do you have a positive news story that highlights the awesome work libraries do? Do you have a local news link we can share? Send us an email or tag us on twitter (not calling it the other name). We’ll share it out!
Glitter Ink
Thanks to these glittery community members showing the library love:
Glitter goes to Mohawk Valley Library System (NY) who has trading cards!
Glitter goes to Albertson Library for an article on bookmobiles reaching rural Idahoans
Glitter goes to the Community Library for feeding minds and stomachs
Bold voices in support of libraries and schools in Idaho and around the nation:
Majority of DeSantis-backed candidates lose school board races in Tampa Bay area
Our friends at EveryLibrary share how libraries foster innovation in their communities
An Idaho library user went viral for sharing her experience, though got some of the facts wrong. Proof of how complicated this issue is!
Sympathetic Ink
Take a moment right now and pause. Yes, you! Ok, now that you’re paused, take three deeeeeeep breaths. Onnnnnnnne. Twoooooooo. Threeeeeeeeee. Think about something you are looking forward to down the road. Take three more deep breaths while you think about how that future place feels, sounds, smells, looks, and tastes. Onnnnnnnne. Twoooooooo. Threeeeeeeeee. Are you smiling? Maybe just a little? Good! Hang onto those ideas as you go throughout the rest of your day.
ILA support
ILA has two online “stores” you can purchase from, and all proceeds go to support the non-profit organization. Right now this is especially important because it funds ILA’s lobbyist. Designs have been created by Idaho library workers and donated to ILA to raise funds.
ILA Bonfire - for shirts, sweaters, tote bags, and hats
ILA RedBubble - for notebooks, magnets, mugs, pillows, hats, tote bags, mouse pads, etc.