⛽ Zustand, On being indispensable and the jerrycan design
Hello there!
This week I moved a buuunch of my React.useContext
code over to Zustand! I was pretty impressed by Zustand last week and I especially loved that I could VERY easily configure it to persist the /foobar state—I even added a small helper to migrate the data (from localForage/IndexedDB to Zustand, in case you're interested).
Wanna share this with someone? You can send them here 😄
Onto this week!
📚 To read
13 tips for junior developers on how to make a great impression with your take-home coding task — Angelika Tyborska Take-home coding tasks are prevalent in the industry, albeit controversial. Some people think they’re a great tool for assessing the skills of a potential hire, others think it’s a waste of everyone’s time and go as far as avoiding companies that use them when looking for a new job. As a junior developer, you might not have the luxury of making such a choice. Finding your first job can be very hard, and making a great impression with the take-home coding task can make the difference between getting hired or not.
Announcing CodeSandbox Projects — Ives van Hoorne "A cloud development platform with the familiar speed and experience of CodeSandbox, but deeply integrated with your favourite tooling, and working on projects of any size."
On Being Indispensable — SoFuckingAgile "Being indispensable at work sounds like job security. For me it was a trap where years went by where I didn't learn anything new."
The jerrycan design goes back over 80 years, and it’s showing no signs of retirement — Hagerty Now and again, an invention becomes so ubiquitous that it’s rendered practically invisible. An industrial designer might consider that the ultimate compliment—a bellwether for a product’s longevity. All this was running through my brain when I recently had to explain to a friend what “that red thing” was, and what purpose it served. Really, when’s the last time you thought especially hard about the humble jerrycan?
👀 Some more cool stuff
- I love my wife so much I can't hold it in anymore — Reddit r/OffMyChest This was the most wholesome thing I read all week! 💜
- Alert: peacenotwar module sabotages npm developers in the node-ipc package to protest the invasion of Ukraine — Snyk.io
- Inflation Stings Most If You Earn Less Than $300K. Here's How to Deal. — Bloomberg Opinion On this week's edition of "what infuriating bullshit clickbait opinion are we blessed with today?" 🙃
- ‘Crime against nature’: the rise and fall of the world’s most notorious succulent thief — The Guardian
⌨️ Keyboards
Dalco 959 Mini with GMK Perestroika
That's all for now, have a great week!
Stay kind 💜