⏳ Time to update your footer's copyright year
Hello there!
Wow, we’re finally here. It’s the end of 2021.
And yet, it feels like we’re still stuck in 2020. 🙄 (Do you also wonder what day in March it is?) I spent the last couple of days reflecting on how (quickly!) this year went and I suggest you do too! No matter how it went, pat yourself on the back for making it till the end of 2021 and be proud of what you accomplished. 😄
2021 was an amazing year for me, and looking onwards to and everything in the works for 2022, I’ve got a feeling similar to what I felt when joining Remote: Hoo boi, I’m nervous but so, SO much more excited for everything to come. C’est la vie!
Happy New Year in advance to you—see you on the other side!
📚 To read
How I built the course platform for Rust for JavaScript Developers, a thread — Sidhartha Chatterjee A great thread about Sid building out his platform and the reasoning for choosing the stack powering Rust for JavaScript Developers
Personalize it! — Una Kravets, CSS-Tricks a short and sweet piece for for @css end of year series: “what’s one thing people can do to make their website better?”—Personalize it to your user!
Raising less money at lower valuations — Retool raises $20M Series C at a $1.85B valuation At Retool, we decided to raise the smallest Series C we could, at a valuation substantially lower than most offers we received. Why? Because even though maximizing our valuation and money raised might be optically good, it hurts the core constituency that got us here: our team.
👀 Some more cool stuff
- Prince of Persia JavaScript
- Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness‘ official teaser is out!
- A Review of the Zig Programming Language (using Advent of Code 2021)
- Japan’s Paper Culture
⌨️ Keyboards
Satisfaction75 R2 with GMK Terra
That’s all for now, have a great week 2022!
Stay kind 💜