What makes a good Indie Hacker?
Hey 🙌️
It's been a while since I've sent the last newsletter.
I've been preeeettty busy pushing the MVP and beta for my next project up the hill. Seldom an MVP is as simple and easy as you imagine it first... Wonder why?! Maybe this is a topic for a blog post, but not today.
I'm writing to raise a question with you: What makes a good Indie Hacker? Which traits and characteristics are typical and why? How do these enable or drive success? I've written my thoughts down in a blog post to start a conversation. I would love what you think makes a good independent entrepreneur?
Feel free to reply to this email or reach out using the contact in the top right.
P.S. Are you using learning SEO to drive more traffic to your website or using Google Search Console? I would love to get in touch with some people having search traffic on their website already and wanting to optimize this further. Get in touch 🙌️