Workshop Recommendation: Decolonize your creative practice
I have been sitting with the following phrase lately: “Radical softness, with backbone, toward collective liberation”
I think it is manifesto / embodied prayer / artist statement / creative vision / mission statement / speculative worldbuilding / how I’m ‘living the questions’.
In other words, how do we stay tender in systems that incentivize anything but? It webs with: this from GenderFail, this from Terra Oliveira, this from rayya @thebreathactivist, this from Ashtin Berry @thecollectress, this from Prentis Hemphill and Vivien Sansour.

Mostly I want to write to you today to recommend this workshop from Yumi Sakugawa and Fariha Roísin called HOW TO DECOLONIZE & RADICALIZE YOUR CREATIVE PRACTICE TOWARDS COLLECTIVE LIBERATION. They are offering it online this Saturday, August 3rd at a sliding scale rate. (There are also a handful of scholarships available.)
I had the fortune and delight to participate in the in-person version of this offering a couple weeks ago, amongst a circle of lovely beings. I found that the container that Yumi and Fariha have created is a spacious and generous one. It’s spacetime that can hold reflection, nourishment, and relationship — all of which create mycelial networks of compassion and insight and un/learning. AKA embodied practices of decolonization which can work to both tenderize and fortify us.

I will be tabling at ABQ Zine Fest in Albuquerque on Oct 5, and at Lone Star Zine Fest in Austin on Oct 19! Whoop whoop, see you there! I updated my about page with the deets.
I’ve been writing about a ‘felt sense of home’ and sharing kitten photos over at my Wandering Grace substack. I am 3 people away from 100 subscribers! Will you help me out by sharing with kindred spirits?
I posted a summer solstice studio update on Patreon.
As always, my zines can be purchased from Radiator Comics and indie comic shops throughout the PNW who are friends with Emerald Comics Distro! I also restocked Silver Sprocket in the Mission in SF and The Pop Hop in Highland Park this summer.

In humility, flow, and service,