the first one, once more
and so we begin again,
and again,
and again,
really, honestly and truly, I still miss Tumblr. I miss the communities I built and became part of, but I also miss that UI/UX, being able to write shortform or longform, being able to incorporate multiple media formats into my posts, being able to digitally articulate my lil liminal existence in ways that felt genuinely reflective of my prism-ass neurodivergent brain and being. and that's mainly why I'm here now — this seems to give me the option of that kind of multifaceted digital expression, but it offers a greater amount of control and accessibility over my own content. Mastodon might be more "ethical" than Twitter in a lot of ways, but try searching for your own old posts/"toots" on their to share or even mark down for the archival record: you can't. this and many other annoying or depressing aspects of the current state of the social internet have finally driven me to join the Newsletter Folk. at least here I can recreate Tumblr a little, just for me.
I'm not sure exactly how much I can reasonably offer these days and live up to it. among other going-ons I'm in the midst of a massive reconfiguration of my personal capacity on a fundamental level that has implications for how I'm going to be living out the remainder of my life, if I'm being honest, which I generally prefer to be.
but what I do have to give, I'd prefer it come in the form of something more stable and accessible (at least theoretically) than a social media account — I mean. you see the brouhaha, which I plan to get into in future posts, that I can promise.
so here I am, and, elder millennial tings — I've lost count of how many times I've written a "Hello Friends This Is How I Intend To Use This Digital Space I Share With You All" type post over the years, on various websites, platforms, blogs, and so on. frankly? I don't feel like adding to that number. if you're here, you probably know who I am and how I carry on, if you don't, you'll figure it out soon enough. anything else that could be said in an introduction right now (re: the topics I intend to address in the future, the politics I write from, the paradigms I inhabit, the future I hope to reach towards) will eventually be said, implicitly or explicitly — I call myself a semi-professional loudmouth for a reason.
tl;dr: in spite of myself I can't seem to shut up or stop showing up, thus I dig my fingers in.
so, here we go. again.
[photos by me]