Slow Reads
Q1 2024:It Did Not Hit The Same ( But it Did Hit)
April 8, 2024
I write quarterly letters to help clarify my own thinking and process what is happening and my response to it. This is Q1. Coming up on thirty-four is a...
We Need Better 'haters': A tiny manifesto on critique
March 3, 2024
Critique, right now, has a weird place in modern culture. We don't truly look for it, but it still operates in the background. You wouldn't know a food...
The Really Uncomfortable and Necessary Psychology of Quitting
February 11, 2024
Apologies for the hiatus. January was...well, January. But we are here, in February nonetheless. To make up for it, you'll get more from me this month. Plus,...
New Year, Same Nervous System?
January 7, 2024
Happy 2024. I hope that this first week has you feeling engaged with a new year, and finding footing in new consistencies, plans, and looking out at all the...
Slow Reads - A Primer
December 15, 2023
Hi. It's never been louder on the internet, and attention has never been for sale at lower prices. Which is weird, because it seems as though the discourse...