[Eye of the Storm] Jon Skovron's Newsletter #11
From the Eye of the Storm #11
I’m back from my travels and tempted to ramble at length about the things I’ve seen and the thoughts I’ve had during my first trip outside the States in about seventeen years. But I’ve come back to a mountain of work, both of the awesome writing variety and the dreary logistical variety. So I’ll just summarize and say:
I really needed it.
I feel refreshed and ready to get back to work.
Getting out of the States, even for just a week, is a tremendously enjoyable way to remember just how big and lovely the world is.
Also, I am fairly certain we found the rainbow bridge to Asgard while we were in Iceland:
My friend Darren kept looking around for Chris Hemsworth or Idris Elba, but alas…
For more pix, you can visit my Instagram. I actually took a few decent ones!
Hope and Red
I’d like to assure you that I wasn’t just wandering the austere beauty of Iceland or lurking in London pubs. I also did some work. Most importantly, I visited my UK publisher and got to meet the wonderful and enthusiastic team over there. They had me sign some advance copies, some bookplates, and a stack of fancy, movie-style posters! I think those are all for some giveaway thing happening later this month or maybe early next month.

We’re now less than two months from the release date for Hope and Red and I’m not sure I’ve ever been this excited for people to read one of my books. To be honest, I’m not sure I’ve ever felt this confident about a book before, either.
Summer Days and Summer Nights
Can you believe this anthology has gotten it’s fourth starred review? Booklist said “These big-name authors deliver a collection that scorches as surely as any day in the sun.”
Hmm, yes. Well, I’m obviously not one of the big names she’s referring to, but that doesn’t matter because she then goes on to sight my story as one of the standouts:
Other notables include Libba Bray’s “Last Stand at the Cinegore,” where, on the closing night of a movie theater where Kevin works with his crush, a horror movie becomes startlingly real; Tim Federle’s “Souvenirs,” where two boys who met working at an amusement park for the summer approach their previously designated breakup day; and Jon Skovron’s contemporary Regency spoof, “Love Is the Last Resort,” where workers at an upscale resort meddle in their patrons’ love lives.
It’s already thrilling just to be in such magnificent company. But then among such talent to be “notable”…well, I try not to get too worked about reviews in general, but I got a little teary when I read that.
If you’ve been thinking of preordering Summer Days and Summer Nights but haven’t gotten around to it yet, apparently there’s some sort of pre-order giveaway prize contest.
Now Listening

Throwing you a curve ball this week and going old school. If you missed Cibo Matto back in the mid 90’s, now is the time to catch up on a band that could easily be placed in the contemporary music scene next to tUnE-yArDs and Grimes. And if you didn’t miss them the first time around, you might be surprised how well they hold up.
Know Your Chicken by Cibo Matto
This week I’ll be marching bravely on into the third book of the Empire of Storms trilogy. This Saturday, the SkovBros and I will be enjoying Captain America: Civil War, followed by a trip to our local comic book store for Free Comic Book Day. We might top it off with the traditional visit to Denny’s for dinner, but only if we think we can manage it.
Starting Monday, I’m going into the studio to record the audiobook for Hope and Red. And then next Wednesday May 11th is the final “Shut Up & Write” before we take our break for the summer.
Whew! I hope you’re week is just as funky fresh. Until next time,