Signal Chain — Season 2 — Episode 1
Signal Chain — Season 2 — Issue 1
Welcome to Season 2 of Signal Chain. This pop-up newsletter is a creative collaboration between generative musician Duncan Geere and photographer Oliver Holms.
We’re taking turns to send new work to each other. Each new piece is inspired by the piece before. We’re building a chain of influence together and you’re along for the ride. New instalments are released on the 1st and 15th of every month, and you can unsubscribe at any time using the link in the footer.
Hi Duncan,
Here we go again…
I was cycling home through Hyde Park and this scene stopped me in my tracks. It was the kind of situation that makes me glad that I carry a small camera with me everywhere.
Studio photographers can shape their light and set to create a stage on which magic can happen. But photographers who collaborate with the world, have to be alive to the luminous gifts that the universe sporadically bestows upon them.
Great pictures require great light — so I try to be ready to take full advantage of nature’s lighting and FX department. Good light arrives in many forms, at any time and in many places, and it’s rare enough that you mustn’t waste it.
Skidding to a halt on a dark and wet road, then staggering across the central island, still astride my bike, while I fumble to set up my camera with numb fingers is the least I can do. At its best, my photography practice is a victory for effectiveness over elegance...
I'm really excited to begin Season 2 of Signal Chain and I can't wait to see what we make together this time.
— Oliver