Two Weeks of Coffee + July Sabbatical + 🧊☕️ Recipe
Hello Sideyard Friends,
Sideyard is taking the month of July off, so this is the last delivery/pickup until Friday, August 2. Subscription payments are paused for June and will resume August 1.
Also, due to some schedule conflicts next week, this week we roasted and delivered this week’s and next week’s coffees–a blend of recent greens and a Guatemala from Huehuetenango. The blend includes two Ethiopias and a Papua New Guinea. The Guatemala has notes of dark chocolate, fig, and black tea. See recent newsletters for notes on the blend.
We have a variety of recent extras in stock. If you’d like to grab a spare, please do so in the next couple days.
The origin track for the week is Vuelve by Electrónicos De La Fuente (1974). Not on Spotify/Apple Music so check it out at Radiooooo or YouTube. by the way is where I find a lot of these origin tracks! It’s the kind of site that follows through on the promises of the early web—full of fun, discovery, and somehow-not-shut-down or embroiled in legal challenges?
Lastly, these early summer weeks have been so busy that I haven’t caught up with the shift to drinking cold coffee yet! When I do, it’ll be via Japanese style iced coffee. It’s dead simple and imho tastes better than cold brew, in part because it preserves the acidity. All you need is a pour over brewer, ice, and a slightly finer grind on your beans. Recipes at Serious Eats and Bon Appetit.