Sideyard Coffee: September 12
Hello Sideyard Friends,
With the cooler temperatures this past week, I've been tempted to drink coffee at all hours. I'm fairly sensitive to caffeine however, so my personal cutoff time is roughly 1pm. Any later than that and I'm lying awake in bed reconsidering my life, er... coffee, choices!
As I write this, I'm in the middle of a second cup of this week's coffee–a dry process coffee from the Aceh region of Sumatra. Sumatran coffees are typically known for their earthy flavors, but this one is fruitier than average. These fruit flavors are accentuated by the dry processing method (a more difficult and time intensive process whereby the cherry is dried in the sun before the bean is removed during hulling).
Because this coffee holds onto some of its sweetness when roasted dark, I experimented with a 'melange' roast. One batch is roasted darker (hot cocoa flavors) than the next (spiced aroma and fruits) and then they're blended together to create a profile that includes both the darker and lighter notes. If you take a close look at the beans prior to grinding, you'll see a wider than average color range. In short... It's a complex cup that should appeal especially to folks accustomed to darker roasts!
Ryan Thompson | Sideyard Coffee
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