Sideyard Coffee: October 28 - Blend 🎃+👻+🍁
Hello Sideyard Friends,
Happy Halloween. This week's coffee is a catch-up blend. We're roasting roughly 50lbs of green coffee per week these days, while our favorite importer sells coffee in 65lb quantities. From these remainders, we do our best to select combinations of origins that, when combined, create something alchemical. If not alchemical, at least eminently drinkable!
This week's blend combines Papua New Guinea, Costa Rica, and two Ethiopias--a veritable tour of the coffee belt. The PNG is leading the pack with chocolate, brown sugar, and plum, followed by the sweeter and gentler notes of the Ethiopia and Costa Rica. It's on the lighter end of medium compared to some recent weeks, which for me means easing up on the heavy cream. :)
The origin track of the week comes from a young contemporary singer songwriter from Costa Rica: Ser Feliz by Karol Barboza.