Sideyard Coffee: October 14 - Colombia 🇨🇴 🍫 🍎
Hello Sideyard Friends,
Remember that five second clip in Encanto of coffee getting cranked through a manual coffee pulping machine? Just me? Either way, that's how most of the coffee in this Colombia blend is pulped. The importer cupped dozens of different coffees from small holder farmers in and around the Inzá de Cauca region and combined the lots that stood out for their quality and unique profiles. The results are great. The dry aromatics are honeyed and sweet sweet. The cup is big-bodied and round, with deep chocolate tones and a background of dark fruits and red apple.
Speaking of Encanto... one of my favorite songs from the film, Dos Oruguitas, features the Colombian singer/songwriter/actor Sebastiàn Yatra.
We still have a couple 12oz bags of the Moka Java decaf available from last week's roast.