Sideyard Coffee: August 5 - Colombia Huila 🇨🇴 Double Fermentation 🍈🍇
Hello Sideyard Friends,
Does anyone find their thoughts drifting to that 80's/90's era Doublemint TV ad campaign featuring pairs of twins and the awkward (albeit catchy) jingle "Double your pleasure; double your fun. It's the right one, Doublemint gum"? Thankfully me neither until right at this very moment when I sat down to write about this week's double fermentation coffee! After getting washed and dried, this coffee went back for a second trip through the fermentation tanks and drying beds. No mint flavors, but it is doubly juicy tasting thanks to this experimental fermentation process. In the juicy notes I'm picking up on cantaloupe and grape, while the deeper notes have a chocolate tinge. Easily one of my favorite Colombian coffees we've had!
The origin track recommendation for the week is Nuestra Canción by Monsieur Periné. They play a very fun upbeat 1920's era guitar-driven jazz with a Latin American twist. Check out their Tiny Desk concert as well.
We have a couple extra 12oz's and a couple 8oz's in stock on the website, along with the Moka Java decaf that I mentioned a few weeks back.