"The Skullhole Panic" now free to read
Hello everyone!
In case you missed the announcement:
GAMUT MAGAZINE is now FREE for anyone who would like to read these amazing stories. Our business may have needed to close, but as a final gift we wanted to provide the content free of charge to all web-connected readers.
What does that mean for all you “web-connected readers” out there?
Well, for one, that my story “The Skullhole Panic” is now open and unpaywalled and free to read:
Undetectable to the eye but not to the hand, there they were: a pair of holes like a bowling ball minus the thumb, spaced to comfortably accommodate two fingers. It was not J.R.'s body my index and middle slid into, not a corporeal form of slime and bone, but instead some parallel, otherworldly interior, cool and tingly to the touch.
This story was originally published in their April issue, and was the basis of this lovely cover image by artist Orion Zangara:

The folks at Gamut described it as a “a paranoid tale of addiction, intimacy, and our true desires” but it’s also crucially a story about what happens when people start sticking their fingers in each other's skulls, so if that sounds like your kind of thing please have a look!
This story is one I'm quite fond of, and it went through many revisions and near-miss rejections before finding a home. So i'll always be grateful to Richard et al for finding something to like there.
I'll have some non-self-promo recs coming soon
Till then take good care of yourselves and those around you