Volume 5: JIRA by Email, WP-CLI 2.10, Laravel Strict Model Support
Hi All!
Hope you had a great week. Here's this week's links.
My Writing
I improved one of my workflows this week. I discovered that you create Jira tickets by email. https://shawnhooper.ca/2024/02/06/turn-email-into-jira-tickets/
Accessibility engineer and conference speaker Todd Libby announces he's leaving tech. Find out why. I'm sad to see him leave the accessibility community. https://toddl.dev/posts/the-decision-to-leave-tech/
I like reading articles like this. After developing for the web for so many years, sometimes it's easy to forget HTML elements we don't use often https://dev.to/sudhil/lesser-used-yet-valuable-html-tags-3ndh
I love the strict model support in Laravel. This blog post shows a great way to move existing projects towards strict models without breaking production. https://masteringlaravel.io/daily/2024-02-06-a-safer-way-to-check-model-strictness-in-production
Laravel added streaming JSON support. https://github.com/laravel/framework/pull/49873#issue-2103868933
I couldn't help share this wonderful piece of satire, as a Canadian who spells in British English. "If PHP Were British" https://aloneonahill.com/blog/if-php-were-british
Deepfake Scammer walks away with $25 million https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/02/deepfake-scammer-walks-off-with-25-million-in-first-of-its-kind-ai-heist/
Social Media
The Fediverse Explained. https://www.theverge.com/24063290/fediverse-explained-activitypub-social-media-open-protocol
WordCamp Canada's Call for Volunteers has been posted. Come help us make this event a success, network with the community, and learn lots about WordPress. https://canada.wordcamp.org/2024/call-for-volunteers/
WP-CLI 2.10.0 has been released. This is the release that contains my first contributions to the project during the Hack Day. You can read about all the new features 2.10.0 brings: https://make.wordpress.org/cli/2024/02/08/wp-cli-v2-10-0-release-notes/
The Interactivity API has just been merged into core. https://make.wordpress.org/core/2023/03/30/proposal-the-interactivity-api-a-better-developer-experience-in-building-interactive-blocks/