Volume 4: WordCamp Canada, CSPs, Google sunsetting less secure SMTP
Hi Readers!
This has been a really busy week for me with WordCamp Canada, so I'm a little late on getting the newsletter out. The immediate response the camp has been fantastic. The organizing team have been hearing from many WordPressers who are excited about the camp. Personally, I've been enjoying hearing from Canadian Automatticians who I haven't met before.
Anyhow, here's this week's list of Web Development and Related Things:
WordCamp Canada
Call for Speakers https://canada.wordcamp.org/2024/call-for-speakers/
Call for Sponsors https://canada.wordcamp.org/2024/sponsorship-prospectus/
The call for Volunteers will be out later this week!
A11yCamp Toronto Call for Speakers - This is a great camp, I've attended several times - https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=lr_F6AkPt0uYDn-aFzHN_nKHQVP5uABDvBS9pn2upFZUNjdNMEQ3MUM2S0VGMzNENlQzSTk0QU9MMSQlQCN0PWcu
Web News
I'll be honest, I'd forgotten these existed, but Google has sunset their cached URLs.
Eager Load Limits are coming to Laravel 11. This is a great optimization. https://laravel-news.com/eager-load-limit
The recycle() method was introduced into factories in Laravel 9. I just found out about it this week. This will reduce the amount of code in my seeders! https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/eloquent-factories#recycling-an-existing-model-for-relationships
Google is sunsetting allowing "less secure" applications connect to GMail accounts, requiring OAuth authentication instead. If you're running any old applications that send email through GMail, this is important! https://support.google.com/a/answer/14114704?fl=1&sjid=5957178616657735211-NC
Heather Gray has written a fantastic blog post on Content Security Policies (CSPs) and WordPress. I recommend everyone set this up on their sites: https://treadlightly.ca/tech-talk/content-security-policies-and-wordpress/
WordPress is changing it's policy on how to give recognition ("props") to contributors in the project's various GitHub repos. https://make.wordpress.org/core/2024/02/01/new-commit-message-requirements-in-git-hello-props-bot/
Enjoy the first full week of February.