See Moir Music: COVID-19 edition
Mid-March brings us a global pandemic
Where I’ll Be
At home. All SF events larger than 100 people are banned until the end of April, which is tough but for the best. The health of our communities and ourselves is more important than dancing in public for the next few months.
What is important is doing whatever we can to continue supporting our local venues, promoters, and everyone else working in the music industry as much as we can.
Watch the Nowadays NYC stream.
Listen to The Lot Radio.
Check out the DNA Lounge audio archive.
Listen to the Halcyon SF SoundCloud sets.
For extra, less local livestream options, check out the Hotel Garuda twitch stream.
Conflicts and considerations
COVID-19 social distancing measures.
Just Announced
Sat 5/30 — RAC at The Fillmore
Awkward timing. I haven’t bought tickets yet, but I might. Life has turned into a constant day-by-day evaluation of what I’m going to do that day, or the next week.
Also, a whole slew of postponements and cancellations. Most of them have yet to be rescheduled. It’s guaranteed to be a super busy summer if the rescheduling continues and if this situation stabilizes by then.
Other notes
Recent great releases
Four Tet released a full album, Sixteen Oceans.
Luttrell’s full album, Lucky Ones came out. When his first single came out, I thought it was the track I heard at Anjunadeep Open Air last year. Turns out it was actually his track Synergy 2000.
Born Ruffians released another track, fleshing out a single/EP: Wavy Haze
RAC released a new single, Stuck on You. This track is moodier but also more mainstream sounding than his past tracks I think. Catchy as hell.
Lauv released ~ how i’m feeling ~... I put him in my camp of Carly Rae-type pop. I don’t even know what top 40 is anymore, tbh. He’s probably super mainstream, and that’s fine. Switched on Pop recently interviewed him, but I haven’t listened yet.
Shazamming while Dancing
I went to the zack villere concert at Slim’s. It was kind of like watching your friend’s buddies play a show in college. They’re talented buddies, but if you had somewhere better to be you’d leave. I didn’t really have anywhere better to be.
Read Moir Music
If you aren’t too depressed by the COVID-19 situation, here are some essays about what’s going on in the music industry:
This essay in Rolling Stone about how The Concert Business Stands to Lose Billions From Coronavirus is the opposite of anxiety reduction. People are saying COVID-19 is going to effect many industries just like 9/11 changed the airline industry. The events industry might be the biggest hit.
Mixmag has an additional perspective that covers much of the same territory as the Rolling stone article. Ibiza and the UK are pretty much continuing with business as usual.
This all kind of has a before and after timeline feeling about it. About a week ago, it seemed like my company was maybe overreacting by having us all work from home. About two weeks ago, I thought an Australian colleague was overreacting by suggesting that we cancel a planned work event in May. And the more I read the more I realize that seeming overreactions are, according to public health experts, the appropriate level of reaction in this type of scenario. Maybe in another week I’ll no longer have daily anxiety headaches.