See Moir Music: April Streams
Spring pandemics bring April showers of music?
Something like that.
Where I’ll Be
Donating my money to the staff at the following places that I mentioned in last week’s newsletter.
So do many artists, such as RAC
As well as the causes that the various livestreams raise money for, like the Sweet Relief Musicians Fund that the Digital Mirage festival is donating to, or Black Coffee raising money for the Solidarity Fund of South Africa.
Just Announced
Spoilers, I made a Twitch account. Reiterating: if you see a set (recorded or livestream announcement) you think I might enjoy, send it my way!
Music Most of the Time
Club Quarantäne by Resident Advisor
Diplo and friends and labelmates on Mad Decent Live on Twitch with music most evenings.
Insomniac Events has a Twitch stream as well.
Boiler Room has been doing streams from isolation.
The Anjuna Twitch channel is hosting several artists this week, mostly at inconvenient PST times. These are my faves/recs:
Tue Apr 7 @ 8AM — Jody Wisternoff crate digging and Q&A
Tue Apr 7 @ 1PM — Qrion doing a DJ set and Q&A
Wed Apr 8 @ 8AM — Grum with an 80’s influences set
Wed Apr 8 @ 1PM — Genix with a Rave Classics set
Fri Apr 10 @ 11AM — Above & Beyond Group Therapy with Dosem
Special Events
Wed Apr 8 @ 5PM — Bob Moses playing a set, perhaps? On their YouTube channel.
Fri Apr 10 - Sun Apr 12 — 1001 Tracklists is hosting a virtual festival on Twitch, featuring Qrion, Sam Feldt, Tinlicker, and other DJs I haven’t heard of.
Sat Apr 11 – Sun Apr 12 — Digital DGTL Festival featuring Kink, Tom Trago, Worakls, and other DJs I haven’t heard of (yet).Sat Apr 11 @ 11AM — Tinlicker is hosting another live stream on their Twitch channel.
Artist Streams
Other artists are consistently streaming live on their own channels on YouTube/Twitch/Instagram:
Disclosure at 1PM on most Fridays. They promised something extra exciting for this coming Friday.
Still waiting to see if Jamie xx will grace us with a set.
Livestream highlights
Calvin Harris played a Love Regenerator set for a third time (1 hr).
Black Coffee streamed live from South Africa (2 hrs), raising money for the Solidarity Fund of South Africa.
Four Tet played an excellent set for Boiler Room live in isolation, dropping a delicious remix of Caribou’s Never Come Back (1 hr) and a new single from Jamie xx that isn’t out yet.
Qrion’s quarantime home dj sesh from yesterday was a delight (1.5 hrs).
Lazer Sunday last week (I caught the first set, but none of the rest) (4 hrs)
Corona Sabbath with Rhye and Diplo (3 hrs).
HAAi playing for Boiler Room (1 hr).
Moon Boots streaming live on Twitch (2.5 hrs)
Looking forward to checking out
This is my list of artist livestream sets I want to check out that I couldn’t watch live. I’m still behind on many of these! What sets have you enjoyed so far?
Jacques Greene live streaming on Twitch for Transmission
Considering this Lost Resort episode where Mija, Justin Martin, and TOKiMONSTA talk to each other.
Some videos might sporadically disappear 🙃
Other notes
Recent great releases
The whole Born Ruffians album, JUICE is out now
Amtrac stopped leaking singles and put out his whole album, Oddyssey
Geographer has a new single, When Will I Belong, and RAC does as well: Carefree
TOKiMONSTA has a new album, Oasis Nocturno
Christian Löffler’s album Lys is a delight
Dua Lipa’s Future Nostalgia is nice
Shazamming while Dancing
Continuing to keep my quarandjed playlist updated with my favorites from all the live and recorded streams I’ve been watching! My latest fave that can’t be found on Spotify is this edit of the Bill Withers song Who is He by Henrik Schwarz. Diplo and Rhye played it during their Corona Sabbath set on Friday night. Bill Withers passed away last week so it’s very timely.
My Shazam tips, if you’re curious:
Obvs, get the mic close to the sound
Gut check it. If an ID seems wrong, check and re-check it. If the tracks keep changing, keep shazamming.
If you can’t get an ID at all after repeated tries, take a 15-30 second video to look it up later.
When tracking down a song after the fact, check spotify, soundcloud, and youtube. Discogs if it comes down to that. Check alternate formatting. Google ferociously.
If a track doesn’t have an album cover, it’s likely to be a bootleg remix or a track that’s going to come out in about a month, so it’s already been uploaded to the “content ID” services but doesn’t exist for us plebes yet. Keep checking.
If you get a string of wrong IDs in a row, it can still be fun to listen to them and find new fun tracks. Or just appreciate the way that some tracks get picked up by Shazam and so you end up with tracks like:
If you want to know more about how Shazam works, check out these essays:
Read Moir Music
Never really expected to hear the phrase “where my ladies in the chat right now?”. Thanks, Flosstradamus. Because it takes so little effort to bounce between the streams, it’s a lot easier to discover and dig into new artists and genres that you’d heard of, but never really listened to. As I mentioned to someone else last week, that was always possible, but now that we’re all cooped up indoors and staring at screens all the time anyway so it’s something we can do with all this time. I’ve noticed that it’s easier just to hang out at my laptop watching DJ streams instead of actually doing things I need to do like take out the recycling or finish unpacking. Big oops.