87. Time passes
Another delayed newsletter, sorry!
Recently both and K and I entered a new age demographic, one more list item to scroll down to when filling out government forms. It was a bit innocuous because of everything else going on at the same time - it’s not every birthday that coincides with Geena Davis attending a major exhibition opening at work! One of our friends said we can continue to celebrate our ‘new demographic classification’ all year round, so I guess we will. Hopefully that means that we will get to share some party vibes with you in another city this year wherever you are!
I had planned to do a 100 track mix much in the same vein as the track selection for K’s and my last major milestone, but that is on the ever-growing to-do list. I’m about a third of the way through the track selection - two tracks released in each year of life is stil the idea. This artificial constraint was useful last time. I’m shaking out of the ‘teens and twenties problem’ - where most of your ‘all time favourites’ might ‘naturally’ cluster. Once it’s done you’ll be the first to know …