60. Opening new things, contestable curation, curated lists
It’s alive!
I’m conscious that the last time I wrote to you was a month ago! But its been busy.
I’ve spent the last few weeks with my colleagues launching the new ACMI. Because of COVID, instead of one big party we held a series of smaller opening ‘group tour’-style events. And, I think they were a lot more effective. At least if the of a launch is to get what you’ve done out and by people who will then go and tell their friends. Whilst we all need celebratory parties when projects complete, most people come to those for the free food, free drink, and mingle with people they know. It’s pleasant - fun, even - but as far as actually enjoying/experiencing the project that is being launched, very few do. You might promise to ‘come back and see it properly’ but in this COVID era, I think that is more doubtful than ever. So this new, more intentional, focused, but multi-evening launch process was a good switch up.