100. But it's not all darkness
Reflecting on the FACT symposium's insights while enjoying breakfast in Ann Arbor.
This episode, arguably the 100th (give or take a few secret bonus patron-only ones), was being finished off in Ann Arbor Michigan as I ate a tasty breakfast burrito. It was wet and cold, but I found some decent coffee. But more on that a little later in this episode - the automated sending of this got unexpectedly delayed a few days by a server meltdown at my webhost back in Australia.
Another year of ACMI’s FACT symposium is over and the videos of all the talks are up online. The ACMI team is awesome and I’m glad the videos went online quickly and were able to ‘keep the conversations going’ while they remain still relatively fresh. Go have a look/watch - the transcripts will go up a little later. The dates for 2026 are already locked in so pencil them in your diaries - Feb 4-6, 2026.
This year there was the unexpected invoking of Brian Eno by various different speakers - and this amusing postcard from Aaron Cope sums it up nicely.