This Newsletter Cannot Save You
#66: "a barrage of confused thoughts"
March 21, 2025
Welcome to issue #66 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, a bastion of distraction in trying times. Our staff of one (1) curator constantly monitors the...
#65: "it's suddenly your jam"
February 7, 2025
Welcome to issue #65 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, proud to be a source of chaotic distraction from the everything that unfolds and unfolds like a...
#64: "deadpan pool of inspiration"
January 10, 2025
Welcome to issue #64 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, our inaugural issue of the new year, and the only issue in which I can appropriately post one of my...
#63: "seasonally appropriate, action-packed, maniacally chaotic"
December 20, 2024
Welcome to issue #63 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. Issue #7, December 24, 2021, was our first Christmas issue, and now here we are, arriving at our...
#62: "driving off an awkward metaphorical cliff"
December 6, 2024
Welcome to issue #62 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. I know when issue #61 landed in your inboxes, the prospect of a #62 seemed distant, improbable, a...
#61: "freaky place to visit"
October 25, 2024
Welcome to issue #61 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. It’s a festive time of year! Soon there will be children loose in the city streets collecting their...
#60: "euphoric tones and a cathartic resolution"
October 4, 2024
Welcome to issue #60 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, your sporadically delivered puree of short form media suggestions. I’d like to say I could commit to...
#59: "in typical exuberant style"
September 6, 2024
Welcome to issue #59 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, the newsletter that’s not afraid to ask the hard-hitting questions, such as: Perhaps the answers to...
#58: "because you know what, it feels good"
August 16, 2024
Welcome to issue #58 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. If there has been a mixup and you were expecting a different, better newsletter, then boy do I have...
#57: "I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want"
July 27, 2024
Welcome to issue #57 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. Before we dive into my recommendations for this issue, I’ve got a couple contributions of my own to...
#56: "the apocalypse is a tempting liberator"
June 14, 2024
Welcome to issue #56 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. In case you were wondering: Scottovision “En el festín” (2024) - Animator Abel Molina is responsible...
#55: "no returns are accepted"
May 31, 2024
Welcome to issue #55 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. I’m back with another fleeting set of recommendations, gathered from the esoteric regions of the...
#54: "i'm sorry, officer, i didn't know i couldn't do that"
April 26, 2024
Welcome to issue #54 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, a bastion of human curation in the midst of an algorithmic onslaught, a tiny beacon of...
#53: "pleasing feelgood frenzy"
April 5, 2024
Welcome to issue #53 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, although it tries, desperately tries, tries to the point of cringe really. In a world where earnest...
#52: "dangerously stylish"
March 9, 2024
Welcome to issue #52 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, a semi-regular peek into the bizarre and beautiful in short-form video entertainment. You know,...
#51: "your every act is live and direct"
February 4, 2024
Welcome to issue #51 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, the unofficial tasting menu of the content apocalypse. Join me, won't you, on a brief guided tour of...
#50: a celebratory kind of vibe
January 20, 2024
Welcome to issue #50 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU! It's a bit of a jumbo issue this time. Loyal readers. Probably, I mean not mine obviously When I...
#49: soothing balm of selective memory
January 7, 2024
Welcome to issue #49 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, one of many earnest funnels of curation on the road to a perfectly tailored media consumption...
#48: "for fun and general merriment"
December 22, 2023
Welcome to issue #48 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. You know, friends, holidays are a time of tradition. Every year my family loves trimming the tree,...
#47: "someone's been eating from the friendship cake"
December 10, 2023
Welcome to issue #47 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, a semi-regular sipping at the firehose of short films, music videos, and video artworks with...
#46: "if you're bored, then you're boring"
November 12, 2023
Welcome to issue #46 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, my sporadic attempt to surprise and delight you with short video gems lovingly sifted from the...
#45: "being scared is being alive"
October 15, 2023
Welcome to issue #45 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, your sporadic guide to short videos you could watch if you felt like it. This newsletter sneaks into...
#44: no longer satisfied with passive transmission
September 2, 2023
Welcome to issue #44 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. Sorry it took so long to get this issue into your inboxes. I like to include ten recommendations...
August 4, 2023
Welcome to issue #43 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. Scottovision, pt. 1 "Giggle Fudge U.S.A." (2016) - Paul Reubens hosts this deranged parody of...
#42: "unlock the infinite possibilities"
July 14, 2023
Welcome to issue #42 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. I'm writing to you from New York City, where a glance out the window here reveals the Empire State...
#41: that wasn't a microdose
June 23, 2023
Welcome to issue #41 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. I'm writing to you this issue from Denver, where I've been attending the big Psychedelic Science...
#40: "outshines the abyss"
June 9, 2023
Welcome to issue #40 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. You know, friends, I started this newsletter with a nickel in my pocket and a dream in my heart. I...
#39: "I admit I haven't done the research"
May 27, 2023
Welcome to issue #39 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. In case you're curious, here are some other things that cannot save you: Preposterously oversized...
#38: "consider getting weirder"
May 12, 2023
Welcome to issue #38 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, the newsletter that's not afraid to ask the hard-hitting questions, such as: Scottovision I saw a...
#37: don't heckle the moon!
April 28, 2023
Welcome to issue #37 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. I meant to ship this issue a little earlier today, but I got sidetracked writing a short story using...
#36: i'm just trying to have a nice time
April 14, 2023
Welcome to issue #36 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, broadcasting from the few remaining moments before AI smoothly takes over the arduous task of...
#35: until you're like, "seriously?"
March 24, 2023
Welcome to issue #35 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. You know, friends, we're just [opens Calculator app, runs the numbers] 65 issues away from our...
#34: "weird in all the best ways"
March 10, 2023
Well well well, if it isn't the newsletter that time forgot, screaming back into your inboxes with all the grace of a motorcycle being sucked into a jet...
#33: "for more information, please reread"
February 4, 2023
Welcome to issue #32 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. Sorry I'm so late getting it out to you today. I was busy being fitted for my new "Disco Deejay"...
#32: would you be my neighbor
January 21, 2023
Welcome to issue #32 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, the first issue of the new year! It's going to be a short issue this week, a minimalist issue if you...
#31: rockin' back inside my heart
December 17, 2022
Welcome to issue #31 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, the final issue of the year 2022. I'll be skipping the next scheduled pub date of Dec 30th,...
#30: typically upbeat & optimistic
December 2, 2022
Welcome to issue #30 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, returning in full force after last week's brief hiatus due to a bank holiday or whatever. Highlights...
#29: complete obliteration
November 12, 2022
Welcome to issue #29 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. Feeling punchy after a prolonged internet outage at our house left us huddled around a single iPhone...
#28: "the inherent absurdity of both setting and premise"
October 28, 2022
Welcome to issue #28 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. A holiday note: issue #3 of this newsletter from last year's beta period included a "Scary Halloween...
#27: "elaborate coping mechanisms"
October 14, 2022
Welcome to issue #27 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. Amidst the dreary backdrop of reality's insistent assertion of itself, producing this newsletter...
#26: where insects sound like lasers
September 30, 2022
Welcome to issue #26 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. As of this issue, we've reached a year of publishing this newsletter. During the beta period (the...
#25: life, the sensuous dream
September 16, 2022
Welcome to issue #25 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, arriving late and with several metaphorical bruises, but here nonetheless. Working from a new...
#24: if you complain once more
September 2, 2022
Welcome to issue #24 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. Bringing this one screaming in for a landing as the sun comes up, ready to face the morning with the...
#23: moments in love
August 19, 2022
Welcome to issue #23 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, the latest in a series of attempts to deliver on the promises that brought this newsletter into your...
#22: close (to the edit)
August 5, 2022
Welcome to issue #22 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, further proof of the following incisive meme: Highlights from Scottoworld Review copies of my next...
#21: halcyon days
July 23, 2022
Welcome to issue #21 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, the newsletter that dares to ask that musical question: I regret to inform you that no good answers...
#20: the waning days of civilization
June 24, 2022
Welcome to issue #20 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU, where I'm pleased to deploy the following image that the internet magically surfaced for me: Yes,...
#19: fiesta forever
June 10, 2022
Welcome to issue #19 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. If you'd asked me at the outset if I thought I'd reach issue #19, I'd have politely scoffed as I...
#18: the sweet release of pure oblivion
May 27, 2022
Welcome to issue #18 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. If you missed my birthday screenings a couple weeks ago, or if you were there and would like to...
#17: but i'm still young at heart. why are you laughing. please stop
May 13, 2022
Welcome to issue #17 of THIS NEWSLETTER CANNOT SAVE YOU. Tomorrow night - Saturday, May 14 - is my birthday, and if you're not doing anything, maybe you'll...
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