Opinion Party
Not Dead Yet is dead
October 29, 2022
Hey everyone, it's been a while since I sent you a message. My intention for Not Dead Yet was to help us slow down and revisit great writing that you may...
Variations on escapism
June 29, 2020
Welcome to the seventh installment of Not Dead Yet, my monthly-ish roundup of compelling writing. Are you gardening this summer? I harvested some salad...
Black lives matter here.
June 2, 2020
Welcome to the sixth installment of Not Dead Yet, my monthly-ish roundup of compelling writing. If you’re in Kitchener-Waterloo, I hope you’ll join the KW...
Future folklore: fractured?
May 3, 2020
Welcome to the fifth installment of Not Dead Yet, my monthly-ish roundup of compelling writing. I hope you’re enjoying the sunshine and also that you’ve...
Everything is breaking
April 4, 2020
Welcome to the fourth installment of Not Dead Yet, my monthly-ish roundup of compelling writing. I must admit I haven’t been reading as much as I usually do...
Old-world words, new-age maps
March 11, 2020
Welcome to the third installment of Not Dead Yet, my monthly-ish roundup of compelling writing. It's a little late, but it's my newsletter and I can...
Space food, but make it fashion
February 8, 2020
Welcome to the second installment of Not Dead Yet, my monthly-ish roundup of compelling writing. It's been two years since I last caused a dust-up on Twitter...
I thought Edna Staebler was woke
January 12, 2020
Welcome to the first installment of Not Dead Yet, my monthly roundup of compelling writing. Sometimes, I'll send you articles that got lost in the hyperspeed...