Digging for Fire is a blog about technology and education (and sometimes gardening).
Who writes DfF?
Hi, I'm Saadia. I'm a homeschooling Dad, with a Bachelor Degree in Learning Design, currently studying a Master's of Teaching (Secondary). I've been working in tech my whole career, currently as a sponsored open-source contributor.
A short history
I started blogging way back, around 2002, in a public high-school journal which I named Digging for Fire (after the Pixies song).
All these years later, I’ve kept writing in one form or another. One blog here, another there, and a career in WordPress to keep it all straight.
I hope my emails will inspire your own thoughts and ideas, providing ample fodder for your own blog email newsletter. That way, we can keep the flow of ideas moving freely – the way the web was meant to be.
I’m not lookin’ for the mother lode! I’m diggin’ for fire.