We're as disappointed as you are
It's important you understand that subscribing to this newsletter is going to offer no more value to you than subscribing to my blog. It's just going to be the same collection of half-formed thoughts and miscellaneous links. In that spirit today's subject line is 'we're as disappointed as you are' which was the tagline of my blog for a number of years. You can read why in the comments on this post from 2006.
The thing I've loved most in these past couple of weeks has been the Japan season on BBC4. The high point was these few minutes from Ryan Gander's documentary on The Idea of Japan. It's just school kids tidying, but it's joyful.
I also loved this piece by Paul Ford about his feelings about being on stage. It includes a note-perfect dissection of a certain style of presenting, a style I adopt all the time.
"And, finally, bring the thinkfluence: Click the clicker and give them that historical-factual razzle and that synergistic “what if this, but this” dazzle, and self-deprecate the audience into empathy while slyly demonstrating your very handy cognitive framework. Give it some heart too, because what the hell, life is meaningful. Be as genuine as circumstances permit!"
Reading that reminded me of finding yourself, or your style of dress, in a collection like this.
(Thanks for subscribing. There are currently 180 of you. A famous number. Ricky Evans throws very fast 180s. Here's a video.)