Sorry Helen
It's been a while. Sorry about that. I imagine you've coped.
And sorry to my friend and colleague Helen who tells me that she gets a little burst of excitement when she gets one of these - thinking it's an actual email - but then realises it's just one of these silly newsletter things. Sorry Helen.
Original thought has been thin on the ground this week so these are just some links/announcements, to get things ticking over again.
Exciting news! Ben and I got a piece of our 'art' into the Royal Academy's Summer Exhibition. Should you be interested in acquiring a limited edition art scarf you can do so at our interactive internet website.
Audio news! 41256 is still going. I rather like the latest episode. I've almost made it half-way through the year, it's one of those long, slow projects that seems to have 'taken'.
Writing news! I did a silly thing about GDPR for Wired, largely inspired by thinking about this newsletter and wondering what my obligations and responsibilities to y'all are. I subsequently decided there aren't many.
And that's it. I will be aiming for an actual idea or thought in a couple of weeks.
(There are currently 494 of you. 494 Virtus is a minor planet orbiting the sun.)