Friends, some good news. Here’s the cover of THE GLOWING LIFE OF LEEANN WU! Apparently, it’s already up on the retail sites.
Look at the power coming from that palm!
What can I say about this book in the chaos of now? Leeann is a 40-something Asian Canadian woman who suddenly, inexplicably starts to glow and who eventually saves her town. When I was describing this to my friend Kristin, she said, “So she’s kind of a superhero.” Yes, but she’s also an ordinary woman with a midwifery practice, a kid who’s off to university, a difficult mom, and a fledgling relationship with a younger man, and in these very dark times, I want to remember that ordinary people can do extraordinary things for their communities.
I would greatly appreciate it if you’d pre-order this book. Here are links for the paperback:
Bookshop US | Powell's | Amazon US | Amazon CA | B&N | Chapters-Indigo | Books A Million | Target | Hudson Booksellers | Penguin Random House
And the ebook:
Bookshop | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Chapters Indigo | Kobo
And librarians, there’s also a hardcover edition for your lending pleasure.
I congratulated the wrong contest winner in my newsletter last month! Kate, who has a gorgeous Booksta, won a copy of WILD LIFE! Thank you, Kate!
I’ve decided to pull the ebook editions of THE ART OF LOSING from Amazon. The full text AND the audio, narrated by Asia King are still on Scribd/Everand and the audio is also available at Barnes & Noble and Kobo.
The great Kate Clayborn talked about WILD LIFE and cumulative sentences in her newsletter, and I know I need hardly recommend her books here, because her writing is absolutely luminous, but may I also make a case for subscribing to Kate, Lately? Kate talks so beautifully about prose and the craft of writing, both subjects I think we don’t chat about enough as romance readers and writers maybe because lit fic people have told us that beautiful writing doesn’t belong to us. It does. It DOES, and we deserve to read and appreciate all the gorgeous words in our genres.
Finally, it’s the anniversary of my romance debut! In March, 2015, I became a romance writer under pen name Ruby Lang with ACUTE REACTIONS. My husband gave me the idea when he mentioned that in romcom movies, the guy with allergies never gets the girl, and lo! a first line was born.
I have a funny relationship with my first book because, of course, I’ve grown as a writer and as a person and tend to think about what I could do better now. But it tickles me that people still read and talk ACUTE REACTIONS, and I’ll be forever grateful for the readers who stuck with me. And even better, I’m once again working with Jess Verdi, who was my editor for all the Practice Perfect books and who’s currently shepherding me through THE GLOWING LIFE OF LEEANN WU. Truly, it’s the friends we make along the way.
I’ll be giving away a copy in my next newsletter. Sending you all hugs and hope.
xo Ruby/Opal/Mindy