Hello, friends! I hope this finds you as well as can be expected. It’s already been a bruiser of a year, and we’ve just gotten started.
I’m thinking about anniversaries lately. I’ve had a few in my personal life recently, but it’s also my 10th anniversary as a published romance author, and it’ll be the year of my 10th release when The Glowing Life of Leeann Wu comes out. (My first novel, Acute Reactions, came out in March 2015. I’ll talk about it in my next newsletter.)
And today is the first birthday of my latest published book, Wild Life.
I started writing Wild Life before COVID hit. I was working on it when I first started realizing anxiety was creeping into almost all parts of my life, colouring my everyday decisions about where to walk, how to talk, and how to dress, becoming the real reason I stopped socializing. And when the pandemic broke it was almost a terrible relief to have so many of my fears appear real—I had an objective correlative.