Applications for Room for Discussion are open! 🛋️📨

Hello! We hope you have all had a smooth first few weeks back at university and are slowly adjusting to the demands of the new academic year. Room for Discussion is gearing up for an exciting season, we want to share some important announcements with you.
Room for Discussion is now accepting applications for interviewers and marketing officers! Applications are due on October 3rd, 23:59 PM. You can find the link to the application and more details here.
Additionally, we will be hosting information borrels at Cafe Krater on September 19 and September 29. Our borrels are great opportunities to ask questions directly to our committee members and get a sense of what Room for Discussion is like. Make sure to follow our social media (Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter) for updates on the events.
Finally, we will be hosting our first interview of the year with former Dutch diplomat Kees van Rij on September 27th, from 13-14 PM. Mr. Van Rij has accumulated a remarkable range of experiences in diplomacy, and foreign affairs throughout his career. As former ambassador to Greece, Spain, Turkey, and Brazil, he has found himself at the center of negotiations that have defined foreign affairs over the past twenty years. We look forward to drawing on his expertise and experience and invite you to join us in the E-Hall!
All the best, The Room for Discussion team!