⏲️ 2023-02-12
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最初の会社で出会った、すてきな同僚に会いに小田原まで。なんと5年ぶり!彼女のソウルは全然変わっていなくてむしろパワーアップしていた。梅サイダーと梅からあげのランチをおごってくれて、おいしいパン屋さんのパンもプレゼントしてくれた。 小田原から電車で二駅のところにあるNebukawa Uというコワーキングスペースにも連れて行ってもらった。こちらのかわい〜小物入れに出会って、買っちゃった。
うる星やつら17話に 私の大好きな岩崎諒太さんがでていた。しかも学校の不良、トップは関智一(師匠)、木村昴(兄弟子)という声優事務所のメンツで出ていたので私が一番うれしかった。 神谷浩史に「貴様」と言っているので嬉しい。
The Car / Arctic Monkeys

âThe Car by Arctic Monkeys on Apple Music
Album · 2022 · 10 Songs
良い。 ちなみに私がApple Musicを使っている理由は日本だとアーティストへの還元率が一番高いからと聞いたから。
Went snowboarding.
This is my second time snowboarding after 2 years. I’m famous for being bad at sports, but surprisingly I can snowboard. I had a lot of falls, but it was fun to fall down. When I was a child, I hated it because it was embarrassing and painful. I think I have grown up to be able to enjoy it. Or maybe I am becoming more curious. What do you think?
I went to Odawara!
I went to Odawara to meet a colleague I met at my first company. It’s been 5 years! Her soul hasn’t changed at all, in fact, it’s gotten more powerful. She bought me a lunch of ume cider and ume karaage and gave me some bread from a delicious bakery. She also took me to a coworking space called Nebukawa U located two train stops away from Odawara. I found this cute little accessory case and bought it.
From the train on the way to the coworking space, I saw the bright blue sea and the light blue sky. I felt so calm.
Urusei Yatsura Episode 17
Urusei Yatsura Episode 17 My favorite actor, Ryota Iwasaki was in it. And I was so excited because he was a bad boy in school, and the leader of the bad boys was Tomokazu Seki (Iwasaki san respects him so much) and Subaru Kimura (who also respects Seki san), who are members of the same voice acting agency. I am happy because Iwasaki san was saying “この野郎 (You piece of shit)” to Hiroshi Kamiya who has more performance experience than Iwasaki san.
The Car / Arctic Monkeys

âThe Car by Arctic Monkeys on Apple Music
Album · 2022 · 10 Songs
Good. By the way, I use Apple Music because I heard that they give the highest rate of return to artists in Japan.
After talking to several friends, I felt that the gender gap affects everything in our daily lives. I have a strong desire to take action to change that. Even if we need to hide it on the surface, our hearts will never give in.
FE’s tea set arrived!
To celebrate that, I had an online tea party with my friend. It was fun to see my friend playing FE3H!
It’s Tuesday!
It’s Wednesday soon.