Hi friends,
I wrote a new blog post about, yes, for a change, a real trending topic. Everybody is thinking about the Roman Empire this week because of a TikTok meme about asking dudes how often they think about the Roman Empire. But most of the things they are thinking about are the same old boring stuff, in my opinion.
I think a lot about Pompeii, because I was obsessed with volcanos as a kid, in exactly the same way as some kids get obsessed with dinosaurs. Also because I saw Last Supper in Pompeii: From the Table to the Grave at the Legion of Honor in San Francisco in 2021 and it was so astounding, I made an important change in my life. That exhibition had a lot of day-to-day stuff from people's lives. Previously, I found a lot of stuff about Rome pretty tedious because it tended to focus on marble busts of boring looking dudes with names that all ended in "us" and their military exploits. You may take it as read I am making the jerking off motion in the direction of a phalanx. I mean OK, a phalanx is cool once. A jar full of holes that people bred dormice in on the other hand? That's cool at least a dozen times. Read more...
Thanks for reading and see you on the internet!