Hair metal fantasy Cymbeline in McLaren Park
Hi friends,
I wrote a new blog post that you might enjoy. Normally I post on Fridays or very late on Thursday, but I'm sending this one sooner because it's about a play that you can see this weekend if you're in San Francisco.
The poster for Cymbeline in the park looked like a hair metal fantasy movie from the 80s. I’d seen it every time I went to get burritos at my local taqueria, and I thought, whatever this is, it’s gonna be weird. On that promise, it delivered. Read more...
Thanks for reading and see you on the internet!
PS. You might notice that this newsletter is coming from Buttondown instead of TinyLetter like it used to. Or you might not, because TinyLetter kept getting marked as spam and you're suprised and delighted to finally get a newsletter from me again. And that, in a nutshell, is why I switched to Buttondown.