A poem for the fall equinox
Hi friends,
You may ask, how can this be, two posts in one week? Well, it's a special occasion, the Autumnal Equinox, and I thoutght it would be nice to celebrate by sharing a poem with you all.
Happy Autumnal Equinox to all in the Northern Hemisphere! There is a certain peculiar feeling I get at the autumnal turn. It's a gestalt, a felt sense, some kind of suchness or maybe haecceity of this change, like I can feel the shift of the entire world though the complete combination of all the little shifts all together. Actually, to call it a feeling would imply it's an emotion only and that's entirely too single-dimensional a sense of the thing. It is both stronger and more subtle than that. Because of this ineffable but recurrent sense of this moment, I have written multiple poems trying to eff it, as it were. The poem I'm sharing today is part of that spontaneously-arising series. Read more...
Thanks for reading and see you on the internet!