Good Morning. Hello. How are you? #1439
Trash redemption, new Swans, a walk around the neighborhood.

Good morning! 6:30 AM sucks, getting a seven-year-old to take smelly antibiotic medication sucks, having headaches sucks, etc. etc. So far so good with the mental health during this run of 6:30 mornings. Really fucks with you. But I went to bed early — despite the thrilling vicissitudes of Tolkien’s revisions to the Ride of the Rohirrim.
Oh and I had an awesome dream where Helen and Mira from Ladytron showed me around Portland, OR (saw Ladytron in Portland once I guess it came back to me) and then it turned into one of my repeat dreams around walking around the very southern tip of Manhattan, the part where I never went when I lived there. Only now there was a secret, brick-lined pedestrian tunnel. Kinda like the one from Grand Central or whatever. I also never went uptown. Goldilocks Manhattan. Only this one was nicer. Although I did think in the dream “wow I haven’t been to New York in a while, is there even anything I want to go see or check in on? Shit, maybe I am not a New Yorker anymore.” That was sad.

I am listening to the new Swans “single,” all 18 ninteteen minutes and seventeen seconds of it and I fuckin love it, it is almost pop, almost Grinderman or something and it is awesome and it is so exciting when old men set in their musical ways change and do something different (I am looking at you, Nick, we’ve had maybe ten albums of this nonsense it was great but time to try something else). Oh man this is so good. I might listen to it on repeat all day. New album out in May, pre-orders started yesterday, what, what are you talking about? I would never pre-order it, my new year’s resolution was to not increase the total number of vinyls I have in my collection. Shit I might have to sell something.

Big news! Trash company redemption! RIGHT AFTER I wrote to you guys, within minutes, I swear to god it was before 10 AM, a nice lady from they wrote me back and said they were so sorry and they switched over to a new billing system and it accidentally billed old clients and it is fixed now and they will never do it again. The best part? The woman who emailed cc’d Karen, which is just the best. This means Karen did get my email, Karen does still work there, and her coworker just shamed her. I mean, I am not one for shaming usually, but it was a nice, subtle shame. I bet Karen didn’t even notice, since she obviously doesn’t check her email.
But nice to see a single company in the world have it together on Customer Service. You know, after they accidentally steal $300 from you and then ignore your emails.

OMG I am going to listen to this Swans song again. Who is this woman singing at the beginning. I must know. Hrm. Difficult to say, though their home page does say recent members include Anna and Maria von Hausswolff, Jennifer Gira, and Dana Schechter so maybe it’s one of those.
Oh shit! On the lyric video for the song, Gira says this will be the final Swans album in this form, and the final 2025 tour. Then the band will significantly reduce and not do much. Oh crap do I need so see Swans one more time I kinda do. Well I hope it’s a big tour and has more than one date in the Southern US, with, you know, a hundred and thirty million people in it. 2.5x the population of England. Imagine if bands toured the south like they tour England. Jesus and Mary Chain playing Mobile, AL or something. Would be great. Go a long way toward world peace wouldn’t it?
(Lyric Videos: like music videos, only you spend less money and get to make another video later, I guess is the definition? Proliferating, they are.)

Big news, I put a film (aka thin bendy clear plastic) recycling trash can under my desk. We already recycled film — we have collection points in the garage, in the kitchen, in the Chore House Garage, and in the attic at Chore House. But nothing in our basement offices. And now I have one. And it is great. I theoretically was bringing the film up to the main floor and it generally happened but it was a pain. But now? Amazing. I love it. Real life improvement.
Hey you take what you can get in a world falling under the shadows.

Jane let us take a walk around the neighborhood yesterday! First time in months. She was excited. Brought her scooter. Fell down going down the big hill, but got right back up. We saw neighbors, we had chats, it was just great. I sorta disliked the walks because they took away from my instructional YouTube time but I also love them because, you know, they make you healthy and less depressed and you get to see your neighbors and feel like you’re in a community. Here’s hoping she lets us doing again soon. “Let’s.” But hey. She’ll be turning 8 soon and that is the legal age in NC you can leave someone home alone, and I don’t think its bad parenting to leave her alone for 30 minutes, with camera, while we do a quick walk in the neighborhood.
Do you?

Post-rock playlist for you today. Including this Swans song, so, you know. Can’t miss it. And Circus Trees, whom I love more and more every day. And I listened to the new Mogwai again yesterday and I listened to it loud and it was great.
Okay that’s all I got today what? No, it’s not cuz I played way too much of the insanely addictive fruit game what are you talking about. I got a lot done yesterday, actually. Four calls! Many emails! Work on our SOC audit! Banking! Septic pumping scheduling! Tax stuff! I was productive!
Okay and maybe some fruit game.
Thanks for reading.
And hey! Maybe buy one of my books!
Good Morning, Hello, How Are You vol 1.
Hey! Will this work? I’m still of FB but not that much . Will the email work to stay in touch? Stoned housework day LOTS of roomba cleaning
Yes it will work! You cal also join the slack it you signed up for the email so now it will be in your inbox in the morning now'