Good Morning. Hello. How are you? 1419
Pure domesticity: step, walmart run, Sault, Mogwai, Hayden the Multigeneratinal Cabbage Patch Dol, Trump weirdly recognizes the Lumbee.

Good morning friends. Hello. Brr. Another late start school day, which means I have successfully gotten to sleep till 7:30 every day this week, what a dream. Crazy how much more productive I am on 8 hours of sleep vs 7. Not that it matters today, since Jane tested positive for strep yesterday. Just as her symptoms seemed to be subsiding. So now she’s at home for the day anyway, on antibiotics. Longtime readers will appreciate that she actually thinks they taste good this time, so that is an entire miserable drama I don’t have to endure again. Whew. However, about two hours before testing positive, she decided to lick my face. Awesome. Emma’s gone in for a strep test already, but I’m gonna hold out to see if I develop symptoms.
Attention Facebook readers: GMHHAY is leaving Facebook, migrating to Slack. This will be over a few months, and we’ll be completely off by March. I love you all. Please come join us in Slack. The invite link is in the comments below. If you’re an email reader, reply to this email and I’ll get you the link.
Girl Scout Cookie reminder; Click here for delicious girl scout cookies delivered straight to your door. Consider the simple Adventureful, far more delicious than it has any right to be.
We are listening to the new Sault this morning, Acts of Faith. It is great, I am glad there is a new Sault album. Buuuut, a week before it came out, my order of every Sault album ever, that I had made back in June or so of ‘24, finally shipped, and for two majestic weeks I was the owner of every Sault album on vinyl. Now I am not. And I do not know when I will be able to obtain it, given this year’s new year’s resolution. I have a bunch of stuff for sale in Discogs at the moment, well, not a bunch but a few, but none of have sold. Maybe I need to lower prices.
Also it occurrs to me that I could technically just grab five or ten records I don’t want and take ‘em down to Pittsboro to the hipster vintage store that also sells vinyl and that would allow me to buy five more. But they would have to be just so in terms of coolness. AND ones I want to get rid of. Smallish venn diagram, that.
Had a super disturbing dream last night that mainly took place around 808 Comm Ave, the administration building at Boston University. It involved my old Crystal Castles tabletop arcade machine, and a lot of abuse by people I thought were friends. It was kinda sad, actually.
The new Mogwai is out today, and luckily we pre-ordered that, though they did send an apologetic email this morning saying shipping is delayed a few days due to the ice.

Jane and I are just back from Walmart, she didn’t want to go so like a proud American I bribed her with McDonald’s (twist my arm) and LEGO. The McDonald’s is kinda rough on me now that my Ozempic is back up to a meaningful dose after the year-long misadventure with Mounjaro. I bascially get one big breakfast for the two of us and pick at her meal.
(Also having trouble with lunch due to lack of appetite — a quart of broth makes me full now, which means I need to make a smaller lunch ramen, which is difficult since I was cheating and doing my ramen the easy way and boiling the noodles in the broth. Now I gotta boil the noodles in water and make the broth separately then combined, like I’m freakin’ Japanese or something. Also have to adjust the amounts of garlic, shallot, ginger, black vineger, rice vinegar, xiaoxing wine (it is fusion what can I say), fish sauce (ditto), sesame oil and soy sauce to the smaller broth amount. The whole thing has become ridiculously complex for a “quick lunch during a work day” but I am committed. Even though Jane is complaining about the smell these days. Even though she has been exposed to spicy Asian food smells her entire life. Like, seriously I thought this was a nurture thing? Guess not).
Walmart was okay. Jane made a house for her and Hayden the Multigenerational Cabbage Patch Doll. There was a line at self-checkout because half the machines were inexpicably out. I forgot to pay for some CR 2025 batteries, so I had to do a second transaction, which buried the receipt for the first transaction into the depths of the Walmart app, which made for a logistically complex “security check.” The carded me for the Nyquil. Sensory hours were in full effect. The Zevia Root Beer was back in stock and that was a relief because it’s by far the cheapest place to get it around here in our little corner of the world.
My cousin Mike’s funeral is booked, so I will be heading up to Alaska on February 7th, through the 10th. Short trip, but we are going for 10 days this summer. I am sad I will be missing my friend Dave’s memorial, this weekend. Would have been nice to hit both. Funerals and memorials matter so much to me these days. I feel dumb for ever having skipped any, and those acts stay with you.

Oh hello, Jane. What’s up? Done with your LEGO?
“Hi. Ohhhh… why did you write Girl Scout Cookies on there?” Jane asks, looking at my writing notes.
“Pew Pew Butt,” Hayden contributes to the conversation.
“I need attention.”
Well okay, then. Hold please, readers.
OK we are all set. She was sad because Emma tested negative and she wanted sick company. We learned the phrase “Misery loves company” and also took a nice picture of her and Hayden with the records which you will be seeing momentarily.
I have bad news for you Trump did a good thing this morning. No not the opening up of the MLK and JFK files, but this:

I cannot fathom why he did this, maybe some Thom Tillis thing? It is so unlike him, helping minorities and spending government money on those in need. Who the fuck knows. In the immortal words of that dude in Withnail and I, “Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.” Except he’s not a stopped clock, he is a malevolent demon clock.
Hayden the Multigenerational Cabbage Patch Doll is slapping me now. Jane thinks its very funny. We do not hit people in this family, Hayden.
“Oh, okay.”
Good boy.
“Okay goodbye.”
Hrm yes. With that… turns out writing is somewhat difficult when there is a child and here doll demanding attention.
Which we will go provide.

Got a playlist for our legendary W Hotel Lobby in a Better, Alternate Universe series today, volume 87, god we have been doing this for so long. Reader Suzy asks: Are your playlists sequenced or can they be listened on shuffle? I do occasionally do some light sequencing, but usually confine that to the first and last song and even that is pretty rare. Shuffle away. David Ross Benson is an old Fairbanks friend of mine, still prolifically putting out music constantly. Threw a new Sault on here for you, even pushed some other stuff to volume 88 for that topical consistency.
All right have a lovely weekend. We got another delivery of Rockwool and OSB yesterday, so hopefully I can regale you with some attic improvement stories monday. And hopefully we don’t tear another muscle.
Thanks for reading.
And hey! Maybe buy one of my books!
Good Morning, Hello, How Are You vol 1.