🤷‍♀️Who You Creating What For?
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Hello human 🤙 Is it Muesday? or Funday? Perhaps it’s Tonday? Are the days blending into one another for you, as they are for me?
To add to the weirdness, I’ve started working on a client project where their week starts on a Sunday! This project has been amazing. Not because of the work. But because of all the revelations I’ve had about myself and creating. Have you ever experienced this?
One thing I’ve begun to question is, “Who do I make what for?”
Do you illustrate for your Instagram followers or for yourself? Do you create websites to impress the client or to help the client’s customers? Do you create online products to express yourself or to help people?
Is there a better someone to make that something for? Is there a better something to make for that someone? We often misalign what we create with who we create it for. Reconnecting the wires will help you figure out if you’re getting what you want from it.
Working on this project has reminded me that I come alive when I make products that help people (users, customers, students, creatives). Realising this has liberated me from creating to impress, and has allowed me to focus on creating to help—and to remove my ego from the situation.
On the flip side, I realised that I doodle, illustrate and create abstract art for me. And this has helped me create more freely, for fun, and like a kid.
Who are you creating what for? 📹 We released episode 2 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxvfJft0FZ4) of Remote Working. We made this for new remote workers who either struggle to work at home, or who struggle to do anything besides work while being at home.
💯 The official 100 Day Project kicks off on April 7th—are you in? Watch my class The Perfect 100 Day Project to brush up, get inspired, and get some questions answered. Watch on Skillshare (https://skl.sh/2Wozn9w) or TapTapKaboom School. (https://ttkb.me/100-day-project)
🔫 And!! Keep your eyes open for my new class, Intro to Looom: Create Playful Looping Animations on Your iPad. Download the app! (https://ttkb.me/looom) It’ll be launching this week—on Skillshare and TapTapKaboom School. I made this for animation noobs (maybe this is you) and animators who are tired of the animation slog (this is me). Here’s a sneak peak at the cover image.
❤️ Big loves from Amsterdam – Rich from TapTapKaboom (https://taptapkaboom.com)
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