🤹‍♀️ The Juggling Act—Part 2
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Hello awesome human! This is part 2 of the Juggling Act series of emails. Last week (https://mailchi.mp/taptapkaboom/juggling-act-part-1) I began the series with the idea of writing down everything that’s on your mind.
I just wrapped up an intense UX/UI project with a remote team across 6 countries. I dropped some balls so I could work on it—and it’s been super fun! Now I’m going through the process of deciding what to add back into my juggling act. I’ve made a massive list of all the things I want to do. This is a great first step, but now what? I like to jot down some things next to each item:
1) The amount of time I think it’s going to take, or the amount of time I want to spend on it. If it’s one-off thing, I write down the amount of time in hours or days. If it’s an ongoing thing, or a big project, I write down the amount of time in hours per day or per week.
2) The reason it’s on my list. Did I put it on my list? Did someone else? Did I add it because it’s the “right” thing to do? This often leads to questioning if I even want it on my list—I love crossing things off before I even start on them.
3) The difference it will make—short and long term.
Honesty is helpful here. And so is realising that these are all estimated guesses.
I also add relationships and rest to my list, if I haven’t already—I tend to forget about these important and life-giving things. Add anything obvious to your list that you haven’t already.
I like taking my time during this stage of the process so that I don’t make impulsive decisions (I learned the hard way). Today’s step gives me a closer-to-realistic understanding of what each item really means to me and how much time it will cost me. Next week I’ll go over how I decide what to add back into my act (it’s certainly not all of them all at once).
Do you have questions about the process? Do you do something similar? Let me know!
❤️ Big loves from Amsterdam – Rich from TapTapKaboom (https://taptapkaboom.com)
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